Resident Evil Extinction Chapter 3

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Crystal blue eyes snapped open as a gasp clawed its way out of Aurora's throat. She snapped into a sitting position, exhaling shakily as her eyes adjusted to the world around her.

She blindly reached for her gun while glancing at her companion.

Alice was curled into a ball facing Aurora, fast asleep. Her chest was slowing rising and falling, and unlike most other nights, she looked peaceful while she slept. Aurora was happy at least one of them would get a restful sleep.

Alice is fine. Aurora consoled herself, leaving the blind search for her gun and thrusting her hands in her greasy hair. She was sweating heavily against the cold air and felt drenched, but everything else seemed okay.

It must have been a nightmare. Aurora told herself, straining her mind to remember the dream. Unfortunately, she came up empty and felt another panic attack rise.

You're fine. Aurora stressed, feeling the gasps tear at her throat. Alice is okay, calm down, calm down!

"Rora?" Alice slurred, awakened by the soft gasps.

"I'm fine, Alice" Aurora took a deep breath, the other woman's voice breaking her out of her spell, "Go back to sleep"

"S'okay" She slurred, already falling back to sleep.

Aurora quietly sighed. There goes my sleep. She said bitterly to herself. Might as well keep myself busy. She picked up her book and flipped through the pages.

Most of it was drawings to document their travels; landscapes of places they passed through, people they had met. More often than not, Aurora found herself drawing Alice.

Don't make it weird. Aurora told herself, flipping away from the page of a sleeping Alice. It's not like there's anything else to draw.

She picked up the pencil that slipped out of the book, found a somewhat empty spot and started to write.

 Day 1825 since D-Day/ Date and Time Unknown/ Somewhere in Salt Lake City.

I had a nightmare. I can't remember it, but I know it had something to do with Wesker and Umbrella. Five years later, and my life still revolves around those fuckers.

I can't sleep now, there's no way. At least Alice is getting some.

Aurora glanced up at Alice at the faintest sound of a whimper. The other woman was laying on her back now, an arm above her head and the other splayed across her stomach as she mumbled unintelligibly.

Aurora debated waking the woman, who hopefully wasn't having a nightmare, but quickly dismissed the idea.

Maybe I spoke too soon about Alice, but the last time I woke her from a nightmare, she grabbed my throat and shot me in the head a couple of times. When I woke, I found her digging the bullets out of my skull still. She didn't have much to say except, "Maybe don't wake me up next time"

That woman's a hazard; not just to herself, but to me and my physical/mental health.

And honestly, it just keeps getting worse. We followed a transmission in an old radio station. My entire being ached in protest but Alice went in anyways. We always find the crazies; I'm still stained in their blood. (Ripping out hearts is messy business)

Alice, as much as I love her, (and I can say that confidently to myself after a decade together) is going to get us permanently killed one day.

Aurora struggled to keep her eyes open as she wrote, but in the end she slumped against her makeshift pillow and fell back into her nightmares.


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