chapter 8

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it was now christmas day and i woke up to the smell of bacon and the sound of jacks very familiar playlist.

"merry christmas" jack yelled as i walked into the kitchen.

"aw you're making us breakfast" i smiled giving my brother a hug. he smiled and continued to cook our eggs. i went back down stairs to wake up trevor.

"trevor get up jacks making us breakfast" i shook him slightly and smiled sweetly. he slowly stirred awake and smiled. he rolled out of bed and threw on a hoodie before we both walked upstairs to see everyone else who woke up.

we all ate our breakfast and then sat around the tree to open presents. we sorted everyone's gifts through out us. cole went first. the gift i got him, but it the same gift i got all the boys except trevor, which was new gatorade water bottles and hockey gloves, cause all the boys gloves and water bottles were very old and gross.

"some new hockey gloves and a new water bottle" he exclaimed like it was the best gift. he opened the rest of his gifts which were just little things from the other boys.

then everyone else went and it was just me and trevor left. trevor was going first since he already started opening the gift jack got him.

after about 15 minutes then he grabbed my gift, the first one was just some food and sweatpants. then he grabbed the piece of paper that everyone was waiting for. i leaned my head on his shoulder as he read the piece of paper.

"holy shit" he smiled. we all got up and walked into the guest room and there was his brand new hockey stick that i spent 200 dollars on. he quickly turned around and gave me a hug.

"thank you so much" he released from the hug. "i love you". then it was my turn.

i opened gifts from all the boys except trevor first, which was just a bunch of clothes and gift cards. then i grabbed trevor's.

the first box was just some little things and then the second box was some ugg slippers, a blanket, and a patrick kane jersey. i paused and looked at him the lifted up the tissue paper to see 2 tickets for the chicago blackhawk and new york rangers game, in new york.

"the last 2 tickets, front row" he winked.

"oh my god, this is amazing, thank you so much" i smiled and gave him a hug.

"dam you guys, i wanted tickets to that game" luke complained. trevor shrugged and then cole stood up.

"so everyone, i have one last gift for everyone" cole said grabbing one last gift that have a blanket draped over it. "hope everyone brought there jerseys cause tomorrow night we're going to" he pulled off the blanket it showed a picture frame with tickets to the colorado avalanche game tomorrow night. we all cheered and gave cole a huge hug.

then we all got ready to go into town. we wanted to go to the christmas special, which me jack luke and quinn went every year it's basically ice skating, lights, shops and games. it is very fun. i threw on a pink shirt with a black vest and some jeans. we split throughout our cars and we were on our way into town. obviously we listened to taylor swift for the 45 minute drive.

first we went ice skating, and obviously all the boys were very good at it, me on the other hand could barley do it. good thing i had my brothers and my boyfriend to help me.

"jeez you need to start coming to practice with us" jack said grabbing my arm, trying to keep me stable.

"yea, i thought you would have been better at this" trevor skated up and grabbed my other arm.

after the 2 hours of horrendous skating the boys were hungry. thank god.

"i want a hot dog" turcs yelled excitedly. we all laughed and walked to the food court. alex obviously got a hot dog and everyone else got corn and chicken. after we ate we went shopping and then walked through the lights.

"let's go home" luke complained. we all nodded and agreed it was late, so we went home.
. . .
the next morning i woke up early to make everyone breakfast, pancakes and fruit, something simple. today the boys wanted to have a holiday movie marathon until we had to leave for the game, which was about 2 hours away so we needed to leave in like 6 hours.

"morning coley" i said as he walked down the stairs into the kitchen.

"morning" he yawned and opened the fridge grabbing the orange juice.

"rough night last night?" i laughed.

"yes, beecher would not stop snoring" he groaned, i laughed and finished breakfast.

"everyone get up, breakfast is done" i yelled. all the boys slowly made there way upstairs. except trevor.

"where's Z" jack asked.

"probably still sleeping i'll go wake him." i shrugged. just as i reached the basement door there he was.

"morning" he kissed my cheek.

"i was just coming to get you, breakfast is done" i smiled. we walked upstairs and everyone started to eat.

after we all found our spots in the living room and started our movie binge, which started with elf, then miracle which isn't very christmasy but the boys insisted on it, then mighty ducks, and finally home alone.

by the time we finished all the movies most of the boys were sleeping, but we didn't need to leave for another hour, so i went to get ready.

i took a quick shower, blow dried and curled my hair then did some simple makeup and threw on my colorado avalanche sweatshirt. it was quinn's from a couple years ago. i sat on my phone for a little bit until i could hear the boys upstairs so i walked back up.

"nice of you guys to finally get up, we need to leave in 30 minutes so go get ready, please" i announced turning the lights on. they all groaned and slowly got up, walking to their rooms.

after all the boys changed i made them a bowl with some fruit before we all left.
as soon as we walked into the arena i saw the familiar blonde hair of kaakpo. well fuck. i snuck over by jack and tapped him on the shoulder.

"jack, kaakpo is here" i said. he gave me a look and spotted him.

"don't worry stay by me and Trev and it'll be ok" he patted my shoulder. we all found our spots and the puck dropped.

about half way through the second period i was thirsty, so i wanted a soda.

"can you come with me, i want a soda" i asked trevor.

"give me like 10 minutes" he said staring intensely at the game. i just rolled my eyes and got up. i walked out into the lobby and just as i was about to reach the stand, i felt a hand grab me and i thought it was trevor so i turned around and smiled. my smile quickly faded when i saw kaakpo.

"omg would you just leave me alone" i said continuing to walk.

"just let me get your number or something" he complained and started to lean in.

"leave me alone" i cried and got away from his grip. i ran back to my seat and sat down.

"you didn't get a soda" trevor asked. i just shook my head since i was very angry and on the. "what's wrong, was it kaakpo" he started to sound serious. i nodded my head holding back tears.

"let's just not talk about this right now" i whispered and turned my attention back to the game.
once we got back to the cabin i went straight down to my room. i ended up falling asleep shortly after.

just another stupid boy t.zМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя