[3] don't tell xavi

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it's only a few hours before we leave and i'm sat at my desk with my laptop opened.

now, i know this isn't the nicest or fairest way anyone could decide who to go with to a gala but i have two tabs opened on google photos with both jude and gavi's faces plastered on it.

"y/n, you are pathetic."

jana, salma, and i all live together due to the fact that i'm not even of age to rent a place, let alone drive alone.

"just pick!" right cuz that's easy.

i really wanna go with jude.

awhile back he popped up in my dms and i had never panicked more in my life. he said something along the lines of being a really good player and looking beautiful while doing it. like come on, jude bellingham said that about me to me?! "okay but you guys understand that by going with gavi i can do damage control and everything will go well for xavi who's been stressing."

but if i go with gavi, i can clear both our names and say something like "yeah we've been friends for a while and we're here as that and only that."

maybe that way people will leave me alone.

"i say go with bellingham. aren't you crazy over him or something?" jana pitched in. definitely not crazy, but yeah i have a crush? so what. "yeah but you forget she's crazy over every guy her eyes land on in the field." and there goes salma.


"remember when we were watching atheltico and you came home to stalk joão felix even though he's with his cheating ex." three times is crazy.

now that's actually pathetic. he deserves better.

me, i'm who he deserves.

"back to what we were talking about!" jana will always find a way to embarrass me. "so you guys really think i should go with jude?" they both immediately nod their heads.

"if you get lucky he proposes that same night." salma jokes but not even i'm that delusional.

"we've only been talking for a month don't even." right, so after i replied, we hit it off. unfortunately we're in two different countries for our clubs so i've never actually met him in person.

but because he's nominated for golden boy, it's the perfect chance. and to be his date? god even better.

i open up my phone and rather than telling jude first, i open up gavi's contact.


hey so i put some thought into it
and decided i'll be going with jude

ok, that's fine.
and how do we tell xavi?

i was getting to that because i seriously don't
want to be the one to tell him but i also don't
wanna do that to u so what i'm really trying
to say is we just... don't tell him

but we can't not tell him??

you would rather him give us the talking-to
of his life?!?? i'm not saying anything till
we get there, sorry but that's how it's
gonna work on my end.

fine tell your golden boy good luck then

god i should start paying attention to things. because if i did, i would've remembered they're up against each other for that award.

so now it's down to the real question.

to panic or not to panic?

"panic. what type of question is that? when xavi finds out, you're dead. if gavi wins, your dead. if jude wins your dead either way." it's almost like salma reads my mind sometimes.

"i say get ready to comfort jude when he loses cuz i don't know about this year."

"thanks for your support, jana." the sarcasm in my voice says it all.

bye i already hate this story but i'm gonna keep it going, see where it leads me

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