[20] stop fucking up

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"will you two stop complaining?!" jana who yells at us from outside salma's side of the car is filling the car with gas and we can't even say anything but groan as a response. she's right i guess, we did go a little overboard. "pass the advil." before i left the house, i snatched it off the counter and ran out before jana got even more upset at us.

i comply and hand it to salma who doesn't even take a sip of water to have it go down. "what time did you even end up sleeping, y/n?"

if only they knew.

i remember everything as if i were completely sober.

that's something gavi didn't know about me.

if he did, maybe he would've stopped to realize that he was being stupid for getting upset over something he never tells me about... again.

i even stayed up after the call trying to put two in two together.

had i said something? was he upset that we didn't hang out instead? did something happen to him with the team?

he's so confusing and it's been blowing me more than usually. "i'll have you know the second i found my room, i crashed." if i had told her otherwise, she'd probably jump through the window to slap me.

she got back in and those last five minutes was me looking out the window and realizing people were already lined up outside the entrance.

"jana if you don't put my window up-"

salma, who's having trouble rolling up her window is panicking and is having a full on fight with that button. "i'm going!" she's driving with one hand now trying to get the button but it's a bit too late from what i can see.

everyone's phones are pressed against the window while the traffic guards clear a path for us.

"i doubt the pictures will be that bad." i also doubt what i said is helping salma forget about it.

"parezco que me atropellaron." she side eyes me as she says that. "okay both of you get out my car already." we hadn't even noticed jana had already opened the trunk getting our stuff out.

salma and i make our way, but from what i can see, we're not alone.

lewandowski, jordi, balde, pedri, and stegen's car all pull in. i immediately go for my phone just to check the schedule but nothing had changed so they're clearly up to something.

jana closes and locks her car and just as we're going up, everyone else met us halfway.

"again?!" stegen hates nothing more than a schedule malfunction. "maybe you guys got it wrong because theres no change in our schedule." i suggest but i'm also hiding behind salma and jana because i doubt gavi can even remember last night and probably thinks everything is okay between us.

"i checked the second i saw your car, no change either."

we all share this look.

"yeah no they're up to something." and everyone agrees with pedri.

but what could it possibly be? we all walk in, everyone finds themselves with someone to talk to but because theres an odd number, i have to tag along with jordi and jana while i can feel how close balde, pedri, and gavi are right behind me.

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