[9] far from home

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"well call her again!" everybody, now out on the field minutes before the game starts is using their last minute practice time to get ahold of y/n who didn't return earlier today to give jana her water bottle back to where she found it herself in the fountain in the lobby.

word got to jonatan and he, who was having a conversation with xavi when news broke, assumed she had completely left. they both knew how upset she was that she would have to miss this game, but they didn't think she was that upset she would go behind their backs twice especially to miss out on the entire game.

the number jonatan was demanding the girls to call again goes to voicemail once again for the twelfth time.

this time, xavi gets ahold of the phone to leave a message.

"y/n, jana and salma went home to see if you were there but there was no sign of you! devuelva nuestras llamadas para saber que estás bien, ni me voya enojarme contigo, por favor!"


don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

i repeat to myself, in a room that isn't even mine with the tv turned on to watch the game i'm supposed to be at. maybe not in, but at, sat on a bed that isn't even mine with my knees up to my chest like a little kid.

after.. everything, i took an uber home.

it doesn't even feel right to call it home anymore without the argument and his exact words coming to mind all over again.

i asked the driver if he could wait 10 minutes at most to pack for at least a night, putting it all into a small suitcase so it doesn't seem so obvious i left with things and asked the driver to take me the the safest hotel nearby.

i'm not used to being alone. i forgot how quiet it is, and how paranoid i get.

my phone is on do not disturb, but from the looks of every angle i'm watching, calls are being made and both jonatan and xavi look stressed.

you can see the ref come up to the team and although you can't hear them, he seems to hurry everyone onto the field to let the game begin as they were already late enough.

but now that everyone was away, maybe i could check my phone.

don't be stupid.

i specifically told myself i would do anything but.

as i'm going to reach it, ignoring everything i said before, the commentators make my head snap back. "strange to not see y/n l/n out on the field today."

"i knew something seemed off! she's not even accompanying them whatsoever. at least we have the men's team out here tonight." and just like that, the frame changes to the seats above the benches to show the whole team. it takes everything in me not to turn off the tv when they show his face. but if i were to, i'd go back to the mortifying silence, so i just suck it up.


"IMPOSSIBLE!" lewandowski who is sat behind me is at the edge if his seat as the game is only six minutes in and real made their first goal.

my eyes close shut as it's off to a terrible start.

"do any of you have y/n's phone number? we could try!" my leg is bouncing like crazy.

if only they knew.

"i already tried that, it's no use." ansu says slumped next to me, dragging his whole hand across his face, not being able to watch the game any longer. "what about.. oh! i can text her through instagram, i'm sure she has her notifications on, right?" now it's ferran pitching in an idea. everyone pulls their phone out and all i can do is look straight ahead.

the guilt is eating me up the more i sit here. but if i speak up, telling everyone that it's all my fault, that i told her unimaginable things no one deserves to hear, let alone her enough to make her runoff to who knows where, then who knows what would happen.

pedri is also sat next to me looking straight ahead.

i can only imagine what he's thinking.

at this point, i'm waiting for this match to be over. i don't even know why xavi made us come here in the first place! i feel as though i could be sick any second now.

maybe then i'll have a good excuse to leave.

that game was not real. it's been a while since the women's team had lost against real, but they've now just lost 0-3 and not even the whole stadium could believe it. let alone lewandowski who sprang out of his seat and threw his arms in the air out of frustration. "RIGHT BECAUSE TWO WASN'T ENOUGH!"

the girls run off the field, not waiting for any sort of approval.

i'd assume to check if they have word as to where y/n is. everyone follows and i have no choice but to go down with a beating heart of a thousand miles per hour.


"not a thing." ansu tells them everyone tried to get through her on instagram and they even went to go check, but they had nothing to show.

i could see jana and salma from all the way in the back huddled together.

"oh, everybody's here." jonatan and xavi announce as the put their clipboards down and rub their hand through their hair. "we- we played as best as we could in the worst circumstances knowing nothing of one of our players and i hate to say that we have to go home tonight and pray for the best. maybe morning will be different but-"

"jonatan, you can't be serious?! salma and i aren't going home without y/n or at least word from her."

i can help but flinch at that. my words that play over and over again. i said otherwise earlier today. that the two of them befriended her out of pity, and now here they are more concerned about her than their loss.

right about now, i'm putting my trust in jonatan's words.

by morning, maybe things will be better.

but i know it in my heart that i can't repair the damage i caused. i don't even care what she said about me anymore, i don't care about anything other than her safety.

i can't care about anything knowing i broke her heart in two.

the perfect pair tease in that last sentence 🤭

also from now on i'm titling every chapter!!

the perfect pair | PABLO GAVIΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα