[19] shouldn't have called

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"i'm fine, seriously. why are guys doing this?!" pedri and lewandowski are by my side and i'm blinking hard enough to make my surroundings clear again. "i told you to watch him."

"i walked away like twice!" pedri says from my right until i realize our arms are intertwined.

i look to my left and so is lewandowski.

i really couldn't have been that bad that i had to get escorted to my door. pedri is struggling next to me until i look down and see him go for my keys. "what time is it?"

"past your bedtime if you had one." lewandowski says and i can only roll my eyes.

the door swings open hitting one of the frames.

"gavi at least try cooperating and walk."

how if my vision keeps going blank every second?! "wheres my phone i need to call-"

"y/n, we know!" okay but how'd they know?

"leave her alone and go to bed already." just as they say that, i can see my bed and lean forward just to plop down on it. "are you gonna stay with him or-"

"leave, i can take care of myself, thanks for the ride." i yawn before they both crouch down beside the bed. "if you need anything, call me immediately. and leave y/n alone already."

"why do you wanna call her so bad gavi?" lewandowski asks with this smile, moving away my hair to the side.

"i love her voice, i just wanna hear it already."


"is xavi home?"

"he's uhh, i actually forgot, mhm." do i even know words anymore? i feel as though everything is spinning.

in all honesty, i could be worse.

salma is, that's for sure. "are you sure you can stay by yourself?" i nod and swat her hands that are going for mine. "who do i look like, salma?" everything i'm saying is so funny coming out my mouth cuz i know i'm making nothing but a fool of myself.

"y/n i'm serious-"

"go home jana! i'll be fine." i turn away and my legs can't bare it.

i knew i should've worn the platforms instead of the heels they told me to wear. i'm really struggling to walk.

if it weren't for the guy who bought us free drinks, i definitely wouldn't have ended up like this. but i wasn't gonna pass up an offer like that.

and if xavi asks, i'll have him know that in a week i'll be an adult and i'm pregaming or something.

the automatic doors open and i thank to god that the receptionist is gone because she's likely to tell xavi what she witnessed. as i'm walking i can already tell i'm not gonna reach the elevator before falling. thankfully, i have long enough arms to reach for the number as i look at the tiles like i haven't seen them a million times and there's finally something new to them.

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