[10] he was right

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so i composed a plan last night after bawling my eyes out.

i hardly got any sleep but i consider myself lucky for passing out. do i know at what time? no but if i woke up from something it doesn't concern me.

as of now i'm standing in front of the hotel waiting for an uber.

we're off today and that just gives everyone more time to try to get ahold of me.

we may be off, but the men's team is supposed to go in at 11:00 am so i ordered the uber right after i finished eating cuz i didn't wanna miss breakfast or be there when they'd be there. point is, i'm heading down to there just to tell jonatan i'm fine and to not worry any longer. except i have a feeling i'll be asking for way more than that.

it's fine, i don't have time to think anyways, my uber pulls up exactly to where i stand and the man working in the lobby opens it for me

"gracias." i say before he could smiles back and closes the door behind me. the driver doesn't wait and starts his gps for the training arena. he has this mix of expressions on his face from the rear view mirror that i'm watching him from.

just as i'm thinking that, he adjusts it to where you can see both of us and his eyes widen at the sight of me.

do i have something on my face or..?

"eres y/n l/n?! mis hijos cómo te admiran, no lo puedo creer!"

i can't help but smile at his words and the mention of his kids. i laugh slightly before nodding, but just as anyone would, "una pregunta, porqué no jugaste ayer? perdimos sin ti!" he asks me about the game.

"estuve enferma, era grave pero ya me siento mejor." it's not like i was gonna tell him the truth.

"así mi gusta escuchar!" we laugh together until he asks me for an autograph to give to his kids, i obviously agree but what i didn't expect is for him to pull out my jersey.

my whole ass jersey.

this is what i call dedication. "es buena suerte." i can already feel myself getting emotional.

just as i sign from the backseat, he starts to slow down and i full on panic. i know it's only been a day but i can already sense the eerie feeling that had me leaving.

i screw the cap onto the marker and hand everything back. i tip him really well and he rolls down the window just as i get out the car, "siempre te estamos apoyando." now i'm definitely getting emotional.

i thank him for everything once more and i give myself the pep talk of my life as he drives off.

you've been in here a million times, don't let this time be any different.

except i can't remember the million other times but the last one i left with.

i scan my id at the front and before i could approach the desk, lola at the front drops the phone before picking it up and making a fuss saying, "te devuelvo la llamada al rato!" before completely hanging up and running up to me.

"y/n! what happened to you yesterday?!"

she starts holding me in her hands and it's as if she's inspecting every single pour on my face.

remember when i said i couldn't remember what time i slept?

yeah my eye bags are proof of that.

not even the concealer i put on to try to make myself look the slightest bit of presentable just so i wouldn't alarm anyone could help. "lola, i'm fine, really. i came to talk to-"

"he's in his office with xavi, let's go!"

i'm so screwed if xavi is in there.

lola yanks on my wrist, ignoring the crack i heard as we're standing right outside the glass doors and she knocks aggressively. at first, xavi swats his hand away before jonatan picks up his head and runs to the door. "y/n! dios mío a donde te metiste ayer? estas bien?!"

he doesn't even think twice about the hug he's going in to give me. the second xavi heard my name, he also sprang out his seat for the hug of my life. 

"come in and we'll talk, okay?" i'm more hesitant than ever about this, but what else would i be here for?

i'm here for an answer and if sitting down with
them and playing nice gets me it then so be it.

from the back, jonatan is making coffee for everyone as xavi takes his seat across from me in the small couches jonatan has in here.

i sigh and plop down, feeling the comfort.

no hotel bed could ever beat the feeling of a place you know so well, that's why it felt so right.

we wait for jonatan to take his seat and as soon as he does, "y/n, we're not upset but we need to know why you thought it was okay to leave without telling anyone, and ignoring everyone who was worried out of their minds for you!"

jonatan is right, they aren't upset. they just sound like they're pleading for an honest answer.

"if you answer my question first maybe it'll lead to as to why i ran off." they look at each other and back at me, probably with no clue as to where this conversation is going. "go ahead, mija," even then, xavi complies with me.

after all, we're trying to get on the same page.

"is it true that after i moved out from your place.. you assigned salma, jana, and i that house out of pity because i wanted to go back home?"

they both furrow their eyebrows and run their hand through their hairs. "where is this coming from-"

"yes or no?" please say no, but please tell me nothing but the truth.

"y/n... we wanted you to stay with barça, and salma and jana had no problem with having you around-"

"oh god." he was right. i cover my face and shake my head as i can hear one of them get off the couch and kneel in front of me only to see xavi with his hand in my knee. "xavi, if you had to go through all this you should've just let me stay with you. instead you've had them babysit me!"

"i should've told you, i know i should've! but look at you guys now, you guys are closer to each other than anyone on the team and you stayed here, getting better and better everyday."

right, but how am i supposed to go back knowing i was nothing but a job thrown at them.

i told myself i wouldn't cry, and i'm really trying to stick to it.

"can you tell us where this is coming from now? did someone on the team make you believe this or was it something you read?"

he's awful, but i don't want to give him anymore attention than what i've already given him.

"it doesn't matter because i really do wanna go back home this time."

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