[13] new beginnings

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i feel like those little kids at parties who gather up some chairs and put them in a line after their parents say ten more minutes when we both know that isn't happening.

my arm is bent below me holding up the side of my face against the wall.

i'm trying so hard not to fall asleep.

more of our team come in slowly but theres still a lot of us to go through and interview. now i'm forced to find entertainment on my phone but i've played every game, caught up on all my socials, and i even went on the secret tiktok account jana, salma, and i share.

i really thought my prayers were going to be answered, and in a way, i guess you could say they were.

gavi laid his hand in my shoulder very lightly which made me turn around to face him.

"i really can't wait any longer before i go insane so i asked xavi if we could leave and come back just before everyone's done." i can feel my face light up, not so much as to why we have to leave but as long as it gets me out this room. i get up and straighten out my skirt before we head for the doors that exit.

we definitely got some looks from our friends, but we brushed it off like it was nothing.

and it really was nothing. to me, anyways. gavi earlier could say otherwise. "how long is the walk?" i ask as we're now past the buses still parked up front.

"says 7 minutes on my phone." i nod and look up at the construction all around us. as if we don't have enough buildings for who knows what.

we're silent almost the whole way through.

i wish i could say it was comfortable, but gavi kept having to clear his throat and that just made me realize he was next to me the whole time after imaging he wasn't. not to mention, my shoes were also becoming unbearable to walk in. i hate how i decided fashion over comfort today and wore my doc martens that aren't fully broken into yet. i sigh slightly and just like every other time i tried to breathe, gavi had to ask what was wrong.

"is that it?" the sign read 'Café De Luces' and by the looks of gavi, it was.

i did notice my pace pick up, though.

the other room had many snacks but hardly anything that would've fulfill me.

gavi opens the door and i can't help but notice the cute chime the door makes when opened. i walk in with the smell of coffee beans and pastries in the making hit me like a brick and i can't help but take it all in.

we go up immediately to the register and order two pastries each and raf coffees.

definitely didn't see him as a raf coffee guy. i'm pulling out my phone to pull up my card before he pushes my hand away, "i invited, remember?" i do, i just chose to ignore it so maybe then i wouldn't owe him, unfortunately his payment goes through so that's exactly what's gonna happen.

we make our way to a two seater both and sit across each other after being told we'd be served in a bit.

"um, can i ask? and you can say no of course."

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