[25] need you

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i've never played a dirtier game with grown women.

this game with realsociedad could not be going any worse. the good thing is, it's finally half time. the bad thing is, gavi, sira, ferran, and xavi are following me when all i want to do is lock myself in the bathroom while i can. "y/n, ya cálmate." xavi makes it sound so easy.

"cómo si me han estado tirando todo este tiempo?!" i brush off the hand he lays on my shoulder and run up at stairs.

maybe that way everyone will get the hint to get out of my way. 

i'm trying to make the corner turn before gavi's familiar touch makes it's way interlocking with my hand me immediately. "breathe. it's not fair but you really should calm down and listen to us." he tucks in some of the loose hairs. that just tells me i should really redo my hair and i just stand there in front if him while he holds a soft gaze for me and for me only.

i would know, after all. i've never seen him do this.

he squeezes my hand and i give in with an annoyed huff. jonatan hands me another jersey because mine is mostly grass stains at this point and i take my seat with the rest of the team who's also annoyed because we're tied one to one.

jonatan is telling us to attempt everything we have left in us but looking around the room... i'm not sure if we have any of that.

there's definitely going to be a lot of subs.

if i keep this up, i'll be taken out so although this game isn't going in my favor, i have to look at the ups. he continues before he dismisses us to have the last seven minutes to reassess on our own. "here, i'll do you hair."

sira already has a brush and ferran kneels in front of me, "i swear neither of you know how to tie your shoes," which is exactly what he starts doing for me.

i do. i'm not too sure about gavi, though.

i remember xavi saying he told him to prove it and tie it right in front of him and all gavi said in return was that he did know, just never showed him. so who's to say.

xavi starts listing everything i can do and i just pretend to listen and act interested.

the only thing i'm interested in is the person sitting right next to me who's been holding my hand throughout this entire half time. you know? the same person i kissed last night and promised we'd talk about it after my game.

yeah, he was the only person that mattered to me right now. 

i sigh and ferran helps me up just as sira finishes. i thank the two and bring them into a hug. "we're gonna go back to our seats. but just remember, don't be like them. así es como se chocan." ferran of all people should know after yesterday.

sira also gives me some advice.

"just... keep kicking the ball, yeah?"

i didn't necessarily say it was good advice, or one i've never heard. i thank her anyways because she's trying and that's all that matters to me but you think she'd know a little more for a coach's daughter.

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