Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

It had been two weeks since my encounter with the two Night Lords Greatorex and Tasha. From time to time, I would see them flit down the mountain, heading into the forest that was close to my little hut but they wouldn't come and visit me. They had left me well alone. I was still debating on whether or not to take them up on their offer and join them, but I had not decided and according to Greatorex, I had another week left until they moved on.

As I had believed my meeting with Macillin was not the first. I met the young boy again a few days later. It was dusk and I was outside tending to my sword. He was lucky. A young wind Deemon had just tried to creep up on me but a juvenile was much too petulant and ill-focused. With one swing of my blade, its head came clean off.

'Hello, Petra.' I snapped my head in his direction. 'Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.' He hadn't startled me, I heard him twenty minutes ago approaching me. What I did hear when he approached my hut was the sound of a Deemon, but it wasn't very close. Perhaps it was the mother searching for her child I'd just killed.

'Have you been well?' I asked, placing the sword down. I watched him eye it; he looked almost hungry to take it and swing it no doubt.

He came to sit beside me which I found a little unnerving. Humans have never been this close to me since I had last been one. For him to trust me was simply amazing, but I was deceiving him. He didn't know who I truly was.

'Yes. I have been well. I confess, I spoke to some of the village elders, and I mentioned you.'

'I see.' I waited for the cold shoulder, the shameful tone when calling out who and what I truly was. But I was interested to find that it did not come.

'They said if you wish to assist us, you are welcome to.'

I was both curious and worried. For them to openly welcome me back to assist them, they were either desperate or they had truly seen that I was still part of the village. Either way, I had to decline. I could not be part of a human settlement as I was no longer one. To be gawped at and talked about was hurtful. More than I cared to let on. 'Thank you, Macillin, but I think I will have to pass.' There was another chilling sound and my arms started to prickle with the tale-tale signs that a Deemon was close. As it was so quiet, I could only assume that it was watching us, waiting for its moment to strike. Macillin was in danger. 'Shouldn't you be home by now? It is getting dark. I do not see you hold a torch.'

'Don't you have one I could borrow?'

Standing I checked my hut and pulled out an old torch. But then I sensed the Deemon had drawn nearer. 'Macillin, get inside the hut, NOW!' As the boy turned in my direction, I saw the earth Deemon appear out from behind the brush. Baring its teeth, it lunged for Macillin who was slow to do as I ask. I jumped and caught the Deemon in mid-air and forced it back to the ground. It tried to claw at my face, but I pulled back only for it to swipe air. My sword was a few metres away from me, the only thing I could do was break its neck, but this Deemon was clever. It kept me at arm's length. Unable to get anywhere near its neck I forced it to roll over, so I was on my back and kicked it hard in the chest. I heard a few ribs crack as it flew high into the air, screaming in agony as it went. I jumped up to meet it and put its head around my arm. It glanced right into my eyes as I pulled hard. Falling to the ground, the Deemon disappeared in a green light and the uncomfortable prickly feeling in my arms abated. Once again, I had done my duty to protect a human.

I reached the hut and found Macillin inside, hiding behind my chair. 'Stay away from me!' He brandished my torch. Like that was going to do anything to me.

I couldn't blame him for defending himself. He knew what I was; I did not see any point in trying to win his trust anymore. Opening the front door wide, I left the hut. 'Feel free to run out when you have the guts to,' I snapped. 'Everyone else seems to run away from me.'

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