Part II Chapter 7

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Part II Chapter 7

Over the following couple of weeks, Sir Fortescue started to become more of a friend than a business partner. We helped with the transport of the material to where the new medical building was going to be, and he gave us a discounted price on materials for our new house. Of course, it was taking longer to build than normal because we were operating only during the night, and we were also helping with other building projects, too, not just the medical building.

Brett and Greatorex were helping dig out a new road from the medical building to the town, which was now expanding outwards and including not just more houses, but other buildings, one was a school, and the most interesting building I was helping to build was the library.

After eight months since we arrived in Marthen, it too had expanded down the valley, and our house, now complete, was sitting pretty at the top, gazing down in an almost protective manner.

Deemons were not a problem anymore for us Night Lords or, indeed for any of the villagers. And because of this, we were welcomed with open arms. We were invited to dinner parties, and although we didn't eat, we found other ways to entertain the other guests. Greatorex was a walking history book and would regale anyone who would listen to his travels from several hundred years ago. Brett would act as a guard outside of the hosts' house and would be chatted up by many young single ladies, much to Tasha's disdain. And Max and I found ourselves asked about our own talents over the years, which to many of the young men, they found it hard to believe Night Lords could be as strong as we said. So, now and again, we would offer to arm wrestle. Max and I only did this a few times until it became apparent that the young men became quite vexed, and our popularity was beginning to wane.

After three decades or so, Sir Fortescue passed away, and his son took over the quarry and the rest of his affairs. At this time, we, as Night Lords, became "old news." Invitations to parties and balls stopped, and no one cared to come and meet us at our house after we invited them.

'The world has moved on,' Greatorex told us. And so, we became separate again from humans for a further eighty years.

However, before I delve into the present-day turmoil, I first need to tell you what happened before our last two remaining Night Lords, Sally and Steve, joined our coven.

Although, before I explain how rare Sally and Steven are, I have to retrace my steps to Stonehead Arrow, where I met two Night Lord brothers, Lance and Hender. It was rare for two brothers to be Night Lords. No one ever really knows how Night Lords are chosen; it's one of our great mysteries. For the boys to be chosen together fascinated many of us. Sadly, after Stonehead Arrow burnt down, we had not seen or heard of them since.

Yet during the time of the first cars and new medicine and practices, Brett saw something in the newspaper that stunned us all. 'Here, listen to this, "Twins Steve and Sally Pendleton have been admitted to Hope Valley Hospital after both came down with the same illness. Both of them have been unable to eat or sleep for the past two weeks, which is unheard of. Tests are being carried out to see if they are infected with an unknown virus." They are new Night Lords.'

The sun had just gone down, and Tasha and I were pulling the blackout curtains back. When we'd finished, we joined Brett and Max in the kitchen. It wasn't as though we had breakfast, but we found it was a comfortable room for us to be seated at a circular table.

'Twins, though,' Tasha said as she went and sat opposite Brett at the kitchen table. Greatorex had insisted we get human newspapers to keep up to date with what was happening in the world. 'It's rare, too rare.'

Max, who had known the brothers a lot longer than us, had mentioned that it's possible Hender and Lance had died and these twins inherited their souls. 'I still speak to Belun now and again, I'll see if she knows anything.'

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