Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A little while later, we had meandered through the noisy human hubbub of nightly activities of singing, dancing and merry-making with a drink. It was just fun and games to them. They didn't know or care that I was dragging my feet in the dirt, feeling sorry that I had essentially done what Brett thought was helpful. I saved the life of a Night Lord. We were all so precious. We were so spaced out it was difficult to track one another. And who knows when a new Night Lord will show? It could be in a thousand years! No one knew for sure.

The meeting house was quite prominent in the town—a large two-storey whitewash building with a thatched roof and beautiful lead-hatched windows. A soft, warm glow shone from inside, but the atmosphere around the building was as frosty as the coterie's cold stares as we approached the building.

Two male Night Lords nodded and opened the doors for us. We went inside, and the room was lined wall to wall with Night Lords. I had never seen so many all under one roof, and I doubted I'd ever see that many ever again.

Greatorex ushered me forwards and centred me in front of a group of seven, three male, four female. Tasha flanked my right, Greatorex my left. Brett was behind me and said, 'This is ridiculous. This large procession for Petra saving someone?'

'Shush!' Tasha spat.

'Everyone,' one of the Night Lords called to order.

The heavy doors closed behind us and I turned to see what probably was every single Night Lord in town. I really was in deep trouble.

'Good evening. For those of you who are unaware, my name is Thrin. I am presiding over this formal trial.'

Greatorex raised his hand. 'Thrin, really must it be a trial for such a young one? She is not yet a century. She does not know all our rules.'

He peered over him with a fierce look. 'Then that is your fault Greatorex for not teaching her,' he said curtly. 'Now, I will disclose the details of the incident from Freya, Belun's partner.

He pulled out a piece of rolled parchment and read out loud.

"Belun and I were watching the front gate. Belun sensed the tension of a Night Lord coming from the cliffs, and together we headed to them. I saw a Night Lord ready to take aim at three Water Deemons below. Belun told her we could take it from here and went down to meet the Deemons. We initially believed we could take out the three Deemons, but it was an ambush. An entire nest of Water Deemons came from the depths, and we were no match for them. I noticed in the fray that two Deemons were taken out. One to assist me and one to save Belun's life, who would have been killed if it not for the brave action of the Night Lord. Though I know it is our custom for outsiders not to assist, I will say that the town Night Lords were not quick in time. We would have lost a valuable member of our group if it wasn't for an outsider."

I felt a little relieved that someone had stuck up for me, but as soon as Thrin finished, there were a lot of unsettled murmurings coming from behind me. No one seemed appreciative of Freya's words.

'Now, I wish to hear from Belun, if there is one?'

Someone from behind us stepped forward. 'No, she is barely being kept from the Eternal Night, Thrin. She is not able to give any statement. Do you wish to adjourn to wait and see if she is able to speak with you?'

'No, thank you, Hyl. Greatorex,' he began, dismissing Hyl and turning his attention to us. 'I wish to know about Petra. Why you asked her to join your coterie?'

I felt the back of my head being watched by every eye in the room, and I just wanted to run away. I was waiting for Greatorex to begin with a magnanimous story of how he found me, but it seemed very superfluous and not how I had remembered it at all.

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