Part III Chapter 5

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Part III Chapter 5

Tasha and I froze at the mention of a human saying the word Deemon. In this day and age, humans didn't know what they were. Or I should say, I had heard of them but perhaps didn't believe in them. I was stumped on what to say to her. Enid, however, glanced down at the map that Eugene was still holding. However, I saw Eugene stare at us in a shrewd way. He had a burning question and wasn't sure if he should ask it. Likewise, I also had a burning question and a desire to leave the cave and go and see if any part of my old village still stood.

Locking eyes with me, Tasha glanced down at the map and started asking questions about other points drawn, but Eugene didn't respond. 'Petra, is something wrong?' he asked.


He glanced at his wife and then said, 'Because when Enid mentioned Deemons, you appeared shocked.'

'And why is that something of interest?' I asked.

'When I tell people about Deemons, they scoff, but you and, indeed, Tasha both looked pale as a sheet. H-have you seen them?'

'No,' Tasha said almost too quickly.

'We have heard of them,' I told him. 'We weren't sure if others had as well. Where did you hear about Deemons?'

Enid smirked, 'I'm not sure you'd believe us if we told you.'

Folding her arms, Tasha sighed impatiently, 'Try us. We've heard all sorts.'

'Ever heard of Night Lords?'

I felt like I'd been slapped. Tasha audibly gasped. 'I beg your pardon?'

Tasha's mouth opened a little in shock, then closed it and frowned. 'Don't tell them anything,' Tasha spoke in my old language.

'I wasn't going to,' I replied.

'Wow, that's an interesting language,' Eugene laughed. 'How many languages do you speak?'

'One or two,' I lied. 'So, what are Night Lords anyway?'

He smiled as he glanced at Enid, 'They are our protectors. They saved our lives from Deemons, apparently. If you didn't know, we can't see these Deemons, but they can. I've seen what Deemons can do. Here, look,' he pulled back his sleeve and showed us three scars on his arm. 'We were under attack, and this woman came barrelling into our back garden. Then before I realised it, I saw a flash of green and the woman, who was holding a knife, stood and introduced herself as a Night Lord and said that she saved us from a Deemon. She apologised for frightening us, and before I knew it, she disappeared. Enid and I couldn't believe what we had witnessed, and we started searching our local library and found information on these amazing people. Apparently, they appoint themselves to train to save us from Deemons, but only a certain handful of humans can see Deemons. I thought I may be one, as I saw the green light, which I assumed came from a Deemon, but perhaps I'm not.' He smiled at his wife, 'We have been on the lookout for Night Lords and have asked around, but no one seems to know what I'm talking about. Apparently, this old village, Stonehead Arrow, used to house Night Lords. Well, so I've read in a passage by a passing trader some two-hundred years ago. It's not that we will find anything about Night Lords, of course. We are here to understand what happened. There was a fire, and the whole village left, but they never stayed to rebuild.'

'We are hoping we'll figure it out,' Enid added. 'It's going to be an interesting month.'

When the map was furled, Eugene then turned to us, 'So, quid pro quo, tell us something in exchange.'

'We know the date of the fire,' I told him, and I heard Tasha sigh. 'And, I know why it was on fire.'

'No!' Tasha grabbed me and spun me around. 'We are not telling them that!' She spoke in Persarian. 'If they discover that about us, Titus knows what's going to happen.'

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