Part II Chapter 9

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Part II Chapter 9

'What's happening?' Steve asked in a frightened tone.

I glanced at Greatorex. 'Excuse me.' Leaving the room, Sally and Steve demanded to know what was going on, but my mind was now solely focused on the task at hand. Heading up the stairs to the top floor, Brett came down the attic stairs and moved out of the way for me. Heading up with Max behind me, I walked to the small balcony that overlooked the front garden and drive. In the corner, just by the gates, were three Deemons. Earth Deemons by the looks of their mottled skin. 'I can snipe maybe two of them from here,' I whispered low.

Max passed me my bow and silver-tipped arrows. Kneeling down, I knocked one back and aimed. Steadying my breathing, I pulled back and fired the arrow. It hit the Deemon in the middle, right in its head. The other two hissed in anger and made a charge at the mansion. They glanced up and spotted me, and then rocks were hurtled towards me. 'KNIVES!' I called to Max as I jumped off the balcony, swatting the rocks out of the way so they'd miss the mansion. Landing on the ground, one of them lunged at me, its razor-sharp claws poised to scratch me. Reaching out, I grabbed one of its arms and threw it over my head.

'PETRA!' Max shouted and threw one knife towards me. It landed on the ground inches from my feet. Picking it up, I lunged towards the other Deemon and stabbed it in the heart. It screamed and fell. The last Deemon I flung behind me had already got to its feet and raced up behind me. I turned a second too late as it slashed my right arm. Hissing at the pain, I turned the knife around and slashed it around the neck. It writhed in pain and fell to the floor by my feet. It turned to ash and a flash of green rose from where it was slain. Placing my hand over it, I sucked the Deemon soul to heal my wounds then picking up the knife, I wiped the Deemon blood off it and placed it in my pocket.

Glancing up Max was standing on the balcony with Tasha beside him. In the doorway, Greatorex stood with Steve and Sally, who looked on in awe and horror. 'Those were earth Deemons. I don't know how much you saw, but-'

'Everything,' Steve muttered. 'That was frightening and incredible. Your aim was amazing.' Tasha snorted, and I heard her leave the attic.

Taking a few steps towards them, I stopped. 'Max and I had better take you back to the hospital. I promised I would. You have spent enough time with us for tonight.'

'Just like that?' Sally asked. 'But we have so many questions! What's going to happen to us tomorrow when the sun comes up?'

Max jumped down. 'The doctors already know you are very sensitive to the sun. Keep the curtains closed at all times.'

'I would also advise you to not let them inject you with anything,' Greatorex said wisely. 'Any chemical injections may be detrimental to your change.'

Sally stared at us both, confused. 'But what if they force the injections, how do we tell them we don't want that? How can we tell them what we are?'

Greatorex went deep in thought. 'Leave that to me, young one. I shall be in contact with the hospital in the morning. If I were you, I'd get some rest and-'

'How?' Steve asked. 'We can't sleep!'

Greatorex smiled. 'No, but you can rest. Just close your eyes and soak up the moonlight. It will ease your mind, and give you peace and tranquillity. It is as close to sleep as we can get. Do not worry. We will have everything in hand. We will find a way around your parents as well. Let me think.'

'Will you,' Sally started, then glanced at me, 'will you come back for us?'

It wasn't up to me to decide. Luckily Greatorex answered. 'Let me make contact with the hospital first. If we need to speak to you, Petra and Max will come to see you again.' It wasn't the answer that Sally or Steve wanted to hear, but they accepted it regardless.

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