Part II Chapter 11

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Part II Chapter 11

Hurrying across the lobby, I went to the room and pulled the door open to see Greatorex, Brett and the doctor standing in shock. Greatorex found my face, and my knees nearly buckled from his defeated face. 'Have you told him?' I asked in an old dialect of my country. 'Have you told him what we are?'

'He had no choice, Petra,' Brett replied as Greatorex sat heavily in the chair. 'He already knows about us, just not in the way that he originally thought.'

The doctor pointed at me, 'Is that what your race speaks? Is that your own language?'

'No, you fool,' I spat. 'It's language from my country. A language that no longer exists.'

His eyes grew wide. 'How old are you people?'

I glanced at Greatorex, who appeared to have given up. His shoulders sagged; his eyes stared at the floor. Was this pretext? This was unlike him.

Moving to stand beside Greatorex, I glanced at him, then ignored him. 'Brett, what has Greatorex told him?'

'That we are Night Lords, or Lunaesse as we are also referenced,' he replied.

I nodded and stared at the doctor. 'What do you know about us?'

Shrewdly he replied, 'What are you to divulge?'

Giving him a wan smile, I sat down in my seat. 'Brett, sit.' I told him, and he obeyed me. 'I'm going, to be honest with you. It's time we have to trust one human; I suppose it might be you.' Giddy, the doctor, sat opposite me, his eyes thirsty for knowledge. 'Although I will say this. Once I tell you, there is no going back.'

'I understand,' he replied quickly.

Shaking my head, I sat up straight, staring right at him. 'No, I don't think you do. We are not the only creatures in this world. There is an unseen force, and if I divulge them, you will become aware of them and be in danger.' Giving Greatorex another sideways glance, he didn't make a move to stop me. What the hell was wrong with him? 'So, are you prepared to know the truth of our world, knowing that there is a great increase in the danger towards you?'

'Yes, please tell me what else is in our world,' he said eagerly.

I took a deep breath and replied, 'Deemons. Deemons are in our world.'

The doctor frowned. 'Religious demons?'

'No,' I shook my head. 'No, not religious demons. These Deemons you can't see, but they are very real. Humans actually can't see them. But we can. There are several types, but their main goal is killing humans. They spring up from the ground, pray on you from trees, and can drown you in water. Fire Deemons aren't around this area, but they would love to set you on fire and watch you burn to death. Our purpose in life is to kill these Deemons. But we can't protect humans if our numbers are dwindled down to a handful of us if doctors decide to slowly kill two of us by poisoning them by giving them food and subjecting them to daylight.'

He frowned, then sat back in shock. 'The children, the twins, they are new er Night Lords?'

'Yes.' Greatorex surprisingly replied. 'We want them to come with us, so they'll be safe. They will be well looked after.'

'The parents have agreed for them to come with us, bearing in mind the parents see where we live.' That snapped Greatorex to his senses, and he finally stared at me. 'That's your call. You must speak with them. You've tasked me to do one thing this night, and I have done so.'

Brett turned around and, leaning over me, said quietly to Greatorex, 'You can't possibly agree to them coming to the mansion? Deemons will kill them.'

Greatorex shooed him away. 'Times have changed, Brett.' He glanced at Doctor Steel. 'What we are telling you, you must swear on your very life to withhold the discussion we have had with you. If you reveal anything to anyone, Deemons will get wind of this, and they will come after you and whoever you have told.'

Night LordsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon