Chapter 18

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The door flew open, and it was the first time I had seen the healer for myself. Everyone who I had the chance to talk to spoke of Mallorie as the most beautiful Night Lord they'd ever seen. However, she would never have been able to defend the town, for she was blind and had been, I was informed, since birth. 'I heard the woman scream. Who is it? It sounded like Lenor.'

'It was,' Tyl explained as I brought her in. Mallorie turned her head in my direction.

'Another Night Lord. You are the new one, Petra.'

'It is nice to meet you finally, Mallorie.'

The healer smiled. 'Such a lovely name and a gentle voice; it soothes the soul. But another time for that, explain what happened?'

'Lenor screamed, I was first to arrive, and she came out clutching her neck, saying she'd been bitten.'

Mallorie frowned. 'Bitten.' Her hands went straight to Lenor's face as though she instinctively knew she was in front of her, and removing her bloodstained hands found the puncture holes with her fingers. Covered in blood, she pulled back and smelt it. 'Something is wrong with this. Her blood smells tainted. What bit you, Lenor?'

'A... bat...' she gasped.

'We need to stem the blood. Petra, put your hands on the puncture wound; stop the blood flowing out.' I did as she asked as she put her hands out and felt around for clean clothes to use instead of my hands. 'Tyl, I need you to get that bat if you can.'

'I'm on it,' and she left.

The blood that was on my hand started to make my hands prickle uncomfortably. 'I must wash this blood off my hands. It's hurting me.'

Mallorie didn't say anything but stayed applying pressure to Lenor's neck. When I washed all the blood off, I returned to her. 'Here, please take over. I need to find some herbs for the wound.' Lenor had relaxed when Mallorie was with her, but as soon as she left, Lenor pinched her face in pain.

'Your gift, it only works when you are in contact with someone,' I said.

'Sadly, yes.' Mallorie picked up various herbs in little pots and smelled them, then with each one she needed, placed a pinch in a separate bowl then, moved under the table and, bringing out a mortar and pestle began grinding the herbs. A few minutes later, she added a bit of water and then came over to me. Like a paste, she applied to the wounds, and the bleeding stopped. 'This is a strange wound and a strange smell to her blood. And your hands, how are they?' She reached out, and I placed my hands in hers. 'Hmm, there is still a faint smell. Wash them thoroughly again.'

At the sound of running footsteps, Ren let Tyl enter. 'Mallorie, the bat has gone, the children are unhurt and are being well looked af-' Before she could finish, there was another scream from someone in the town. Tyl left without a second thought.

Mallorie shook her head, her soft silvery blond hair rippled down her arms, and she frowned deeply, very troubled. 'Ren, go and ask Thrin to come here. I need his guidance.'

'Yes, Mallorie.'

Ren hurried off while I stayed with the healer, who made Lenor comfortable, covering her with a blanket and placing a pillow under her head. 'Petra, in the room in front of you is where the inflicted can go. Please make up several beds. Everything you need is in a small cupboard left of the room. Once you have finished, please place Lenor in one of the beds.'

'You expect this is not an isolated incident?'

'No, my child, it is not.'

I made up five beds in what appeared to be an old hall. There was space for more beds, but I thought by making more beds, they'd be a cause to fill them. A strange way of thinking, but I didn't want to chance fate in such a way.

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