Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The guards had no problem with me leaving, positively slamming the gates behind me, and I faced the empty wilderness. The trees rustled with the sea winds, bringing a strange salty-fresh combination, and while nocturnal animals scuttled around on the ground and flew with grace above, there were no Deemons anywhere near me.

After a mile or so of uneventful walking, I found a small glade that wasn't visible from the road. The moon was high now, and it was the perfect place to contemplate everything that I was going through. Sitting cross-legged on the ground, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

Relaxed and partially resting, I had several scenarios in my mind, and all depended on what Thrin, Greatorex and Max would say. I found it odd that I was including him. I didn't really know him, but I did feel some feelings towards him, and Thrin mentioned that Max is fond of me. Was he my...

Footsteps on the road were nearing my location. I jumped high into the air and locked onto the figure that appeared directly below me. It didn't even look up; didn't even know I was in the air. Twisting, I fell to the earth and dropped on it like a cat pinning it to the ground. 'Who are you?'

'It's me; I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!' It was Max. Getting off him, I offered him my hand, and he stood.

'Stalker much!' I snapped. 'I wanted to be alone to think. Who sent you?'

'Nobody,' he sounded hurt.

'Then why are you here?' Irritated, I began to pace around the glade, staring between Max and the silvery grass where fireflies blinked when I disturbed them. 'I wanted to be alone. I don't want to be coerced into joining Thrin.'

'He doesn't even know I'm here,' he pleaded. 'Look, Petra. I don't know what it is but I... I want to get to know you better; I want to protect you.' I shot him a look. 'I know that sounds strange as you protected and saved me and everything, but I...' he inhaled deeply. 'I don't know what it is,' he repeated. 'I just want to be there for you, whatever you decide.'

Walking away from him, I sat back on the dry ground. While the salt air had left, there was an earthy scent of rain on the wind. Perhaps a storm was coming in off the ocean.

I owed Max an explanation as to my attitude towards him, but he was young. Maybe he would not understand. 'Max, you are kind to me, and I'm sorry for my words against you. I need to think about my choices in life. They are not easy ones.'

He smiled, 'Forgive me, but I see no kindness from the others in your group, and from what I hear, you need kindness in your life. We all do.'

Picking a blade of grass, I turned it over in my hand. 'I have very mixed opinions about all I have discovered these past few nights. Thrin has asked that I stay with him for two centuries instead of banishment, but I find myself torn. Though I do wish to leave Greatorex, I am now at a crossroads on whether to leave on my own or stay here and help protect the town. I am not one for coercion, and I am far too stubborn to listen to my heart.'

Sitting down next to me, his brows furrowed like a confused puppy. 'May I ask, what has changed your mind about staying with Greatorex? You first asked if I wanted an adventure to join you. And now you wish to leave them? Forgive me, but that sounds quite sad.'

'Tasha and Brett do not see eye to eye with me. Tasha has never really liked me, and Brett is, I think, following her.' I smiled as something just clicked. 'I bet he likes her, and I also bet she doesn't know it.' Chuckling, I shook my head. 'Greatorex knows. Well, of course, he does.'

'And you are leaving your coterie because of them? Doesn't Greatorex restore order?'

Shrugging, I replied, 'Sometimes. Tasha will overstep her superiority line, and Brett tries to get one up on me but can't.'

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