goofing around

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As rock and roll music played in the background Cierra and Kevin couldn't be any happier as they jump up and down on their parents bed. Kevin was wearing a white sweater with green pants and Cierra who was wearing black leggings and a purple shirt as they laughed and jumped up and down.

Kevin was holding a box of something as he was shoving food into his mouth as he jumped up and down before both of them scrambled off the bed after making one final jump on the bed as well as making a mess.

"We're free! Free! Free!"Kevin shouts as Cierra laughs as they run down the stairs into the kitchen as they run all around acting all crazy before running out of the kitchen into the main foyer as they run back up the stairs.

They run all around as they scream from joy finally being free of their families harshness and meanness as they run all around without a car in a world feeling nothing but joy and happiness for the first time in their lives.

Cierra and Kevin are then shown kneeling down in front of a chest in one of the many rooms it's was buzzes room. They opened the top of the gaint chest showing all kinds of things inside they look in awe"wow" they said as they so so much stuff in there.

Kevin grabs a magazine but Cierra having seen the name of the magazine quickly grabs it throws it behind her fast causing Kevin to give her confused look "trust it's nothing but garbage"she says with a shrugg before they go back to digging around the trunk.

Ceria digs around looking at all the different stuff finding a few fire crackers showing them to Kevin"cool! Fire crackers! I'll save these for later. Buzz we're going through all your private stuff you better come out and pound us"they wait for a response but soon smile at each other when they don't hear anything Kevin then pulls out a picture frame with a photo of a girl around buzzes age.

Cierra laughs at Kevin's facial expression as he looks at the photo "buzz your girlfriend! Woof!"he says slamming it back turned over as Cierra falls over holding her stomach laughing before the too saw a BB gun as they both share a smirk thinking the same thing.

Soon they are shown back in the kitchen as Kevin positions the figurines on the entrance of the laundry chute using a specialist to hold the flap open. Kevin marches back to ceria they were gonna take turns as they face the figurines from buzzes room.

Kevin un shoulders the BB gun from his shoulder as he cocks it before using the counter top as a balancer as he points the gun at one of the figurines hitting the first one on the far left side and then the next one beside it before handing the gun to his older sister.

Ciera takes the gun as she cocks it just before positioning it as she takes a deep breath then let's have slowly as she pulls the trigger hitting the first one on the far right then cocks the gun again before doing the same thing.

She then hands the gun back to Kevin as he cocks it before leveling it as he pulls the trigger hitting the spatula as it falls back down into the shoot falling into a laundry basket in the basement just as the figurines did.

Later on a counter is shown with a mess from making a huge desert as ice cream drips everywhere. Kevin is then shown putting a tape called angels with filthy souls into a VHS player as he then joins his sister as they set with two bowls of ice cream as the movie starts.

The style of the movie was old with slight jazz music playing in the background as two man where shown in a office havening a breaf argument before the man that entered the office is shut down as wicked laughter is hurt. The siblings clicking cut off the movie havening not expected that with looks of horror on her face sharing look before both shout"mom!" That seemd to echo on forever as they stared at the screen in horror.

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