Close call

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It was the next day as ceria was dressed as she was cleaning around the house before hearing her brother scream as she rolls her eyes with a small smile you'd think he learn by now.

Soon they were shown at the market as ceria was pushing the buggie as they were getting a few things. Ceria stops the buggie as she picks of a thing of milf before sitting it in the buggie before soon they were shown in a check out line as ceria started unloading the buggie as she puts the milk, laundry detergent, a pack of toy soldiers, paper towels a a few things of microwavable foods before sitting a thing of juice down as the cashier looks at them with a raised eyebrow as she scans their items.

She goes to scan the toy soldiers before raising an eyebrow "there for my little brother"ceria says patting Kevin on the shoulder before the women scans it "oh I also have a coupon for the juice here you go"ceria says pulling the coupon out of her purse handing it to the cashier who finishes checking them out as she brings up the total"19.83"she tells them as ceria gets the exact amount out of her purse before handing to the cashier as ceria grabs the bags before the leave.

Soon they were shown walking down the neighborhood as the bags suddenly broke "dang it"ceria says before her and Kevin gather everything and he'd home.

Kevin decided to help out his sister as he volunteer to do the laundry as she was putting up everything else now she helping her brother wash the dishes. Outside the same van was shown parked outside by the house as Marv and Harry sit in the front.

Harry shakes his head "I don't get it I mean right now it looks like there's nobody home last night the place was jumping something ain't right go check"he says studying the house.

Marv just nods his head looking forward while harry looked at him annoyed as Marv finally looks at him"now"he asked.

Harry smiles sarcastically "no tomorrow egghead!"he snaps. Marv was soon shown getting out the van as he sneaks up to the house. Ciera was drying dishes while Kevin kneels in a chair chair washing them before Marv's shadow was shown through the curtain on the door he trys the door nob Kevin and ciera share a look.

Marv was then shown sticking his foot through the dog door but his shoe falls off on the process "shit"he whispered reaching a hand in grabbing it. Kevin quickly turns off the water while ciera carefully grabs a dryed pot as Kevin grabs the remote and turns the movie on as it plays.

"Get the hell out of here"the elder man Johnny on screen says.

"All right Johnny but what about my money"snakes says on screen as Marv was shown listening through the door confused.

"What money"johnny says as ciera quietly sits down the pot while Kevin gets the firecrackers and lighter stick."acey said you had some dough for me" "is that a fact? How much do I owe you" "acey said 10%" "too bad acey ain't in charge no more" "what do you mean " was all Marv heard as he was confused on what was going on.

"He's upstairs taking a bath he'll call you when he gets done" "hey I tell you what I'm gonna give you snakes "the movie continues "snakes?"marv says to him self.

"I'm gonna give you to the count of 10 to get your ugly yellow no good keister off my property"ciera was waiting by the arch way of he kitchen as Kevin gets ready as he holds the firecrackers over the pot"before I pump your guts full lead" "alright Johnny I'm sorry I'm goin"Marv slowly backs away from the door.

Kevin lits the firecrackers dropping them into the pot as he runs over to ciera as they hold there hands over there ears cause it's about to get loud" one, two ,ten!"just as the firecrackers pop in the pot giving it the sound of real Bullets firing as Marv gasp while Johnny was heard laughing.

Marv runs from the door before tripping over the garbage cans as he quickly crawls through the snow fast around the house before getting up as he runs the rest of the way"keep the change you filthy animal"the siblings mouth the last words as the popping firecracker stop.

Marv runs to the van panting as harry was confused as Marv quickly gets in."what happened"he asked Marv.

Marv sits in his seat breathing heavily "I don't know who's in there but somebody just got blown away!"he says.

"Huh"harry asked.

"Somebody beat us to the job they're in there! Two of them they was arguing one of them blew the other one away "marv explained.

"Who"harry asked.

"I don't know I thought I recognized one of their voices and I know I heard that name snakes before "Marv says.

"Snakes? Snakes snakes I don't know no snakes"harry says shaking his head.

"Snakes. Let's get out of here"Marv says.

"Hold on let's wait and see who it is we work this neighborhood too"harry says as Marv nods his head"yeah"he says.

"Supposing the cops fingers for a job and they start asking us questions about a murderer in the area wouldn't it be nice to have a face to go with their questions "harry says as Marv thinks before nodding his head "that's a good idea"he says.

"Of course it's a good idea. Snakes? "Harry says before sounding confused on the last part.

"He sounded like a snake"Marv says as the two set there and wait.

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