Reunited as a family

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Cera makes sure Kevin is holding on tightly as she sits on the window edge as the wind blows through her hair "you ready Kev"she asked her little brother as he nods his head holding on tightly.

Cera then pushed off as she and Kevin scream flying forward before she skids them to a hault in the tree house as they were breathing heavily as the two men in there house look out the window.

"Where'd they go"harry asked looking around.

"Maybe they committed suicide "marv says as harry gives him a look.

Cera whistles gaining there attention as they look out the window."down here you horses asses "Kevin says a scream gasp with a laugh.

"Come and get us before we call the police"Cera then says as they head back into the tree house.

"Let's getem"marv says going to charge forward but harry stops him"wait wait that's just what they want they want us to go back through to get all torn up again*harry says as he takes out a piece of clothe wrapping it around his injured hand.

"They're gonna call the cops"marv says.

"From a tree house come on"harry asked with a deadpanned look before he grabs the rope with two hands as he carefully traveled down the rope as marv followed his lead as cera grabs the hegde clippers as she positioned it under the rope wide open "hey fellas check this out"she says with a smile as harrys ans marvs eyes widen.

"Go back! Go back!"harry says as they try to go back as fast as they can before she clips the rope as it breaks making the two man scream holding on as they fly towards the brick wall of the house smacking hard as they then fall to the snow with a groan as they slowly faces one another.

Cera and Kevin then climbed down the latter as they run through the snow past the house as the two man slowly gets back on there feet.

"Let me go there they are"harry says as Mary was helping him stand."get out of my way"he says as they run after them.

Cera and Kevin run across the front yard across the street just as marv and harry walk from around the corner as they follow after them as Cera and Kevin run to the neighbors house as they stop right in front of it breathing heavily as they turn back to the to man"there they are"marv says.

The siblings smile share a look before faceing them"hey I'm calling the cops"Kevin says before the two run to the house.

"Wait wait they want us to follow them I got a better idea come on"harry says as they get a different way Cera open the cellar doors as she and Kevin hurry down the stairs"what the "Cera says as it was dripping water from the ceiling as the water was knee deep before they run through the water up another set of stairs with water rushing down them to a door.

But when they opened the door the two man were in front with smiles "hiya guys we out smarted y'all this time"harry says as he grabs Kevin while marv grabs Cera as she struggled "leave my brother alone!"she says they closed the basement door as Harry hangs Kevin on to a hook by his sweater as Cera struggled against marv as they were in the kitchen.

"What are we gonna do to them harry"marv asked grunting as Cera was struggling in his arms.

"We'll do exactly what they did to us burn they heads with a blowtorch smash there face with iron slap them right in the face with a paint can"as the two criminals listed all the things they were going to do they didn't here old man Marley sneaking up behind them.

Cera felt marvs arms loosen around her as she turns seeing him fall to the ground as she looks up with relief seeing old man Marley as he knocked the two criminals out"thank you"she says before he helps her get Kevin down as the police showed up.

Cera and Kevin watch from the window of there home as the two criminals were being arrested and loaded into a cop car"come on Kevin "she says with a soft smile as they walk away from the window.

They set out milk and cookies by the fireplace that hung all the stockings they had decorated the main room for Christmas as Kevin fixed the presents underneath the tree as they hope they will be reunited with their family in the morning as they went to bed.

It was snowing outside Christmas morning as cera and Kevin were shown asleep but cera groans awake sitting up as she wore a black tank with green flannel pajama bottoms as he hair was curly before she wakes her brother Kevin up"kev wake up it's Christmas"she says before they were shown rushing down the stairs into the main room hoping to see there family but frown when no one was there.

"I'm sorry Kevin"cera says hugging him around the shoulders before they were shown in there parents room as they look at the family picture before hearing a door open"Kevin! Cera! as they share a look before getting off the bed as they rush down stairs looking around before cera turns around gasping seeing there mom standing there in the foyer "mom"she says with tears before running over as she hugs her mom before Kevin walks in seeing his mom and sister hug as he rushed over joining the hug.

"Merry Christmas sweethearts"there mom says with a tearful smile as they all hug before pulling away.

"We're is everyone else"Kevin asked.

"Oh honeys they couldn't come they wanted to so much but--"there mother goes to explain before there family literally comes in through the front door as they smile.

"Dad"Cera says with a tearful smile as she runs and hugs her father there family was whole again.

"Hey guys"buzz says gaining kevs and Ceras attention "it's pretty cool y'all guys did it burn the place down"he says as they share a smile.

Cera watches as her family give each other hugs as Kevin looked out the window as old man Marley reunited with his family as she smiles at her family"best Christmas ever"she says to her self.

"Kevin! Cera! What do y'all do to my room!"buzz was heard as the two share wide eyes look before running off.

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