Protecting the house part 1

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They rush home as Kevin opens the door as they hurry inside from the cold as he closed the door "this is our house and we have to protect it"he says turning on the lights and locking the door as ceria smiles before taking off there coats and hats as they rush getting what they needed.

Kevin wipes off his toys from a table as he unrolls a drawn out map of his plans as they go over each part Kevin was shown little toy cars in front of the front door while ceria was shown dumping water on the back entrance steps while Kevin did the same to the front.

Cause she didn't want Kevin to get burn she heated up a round piece of metal on a barbecue grill as the tip glows res before carefully picking it up as she hooks it onto the front door door nob as it heats it up.

She was then shown helping Kevin paint the steps in the basement with tar before putting a single piece of a nail on one step after piercing it through a sheet of shingle as she smirks high-fiveing Kevin before he was shown with a long piece of rope as he runs to the club house and climbed up as he ties it to a wooden beam as ceria tied the other part inside the house of the room connected as she give Kevin a thumbs up.

Ceria got the feathers and fan in place with string on a moving wooden cart in front of a door in another room connected to the fan as Kevin spreads glue on some ceramic rap before they set it in place by an entrance as the walls holds it in place.

Kevin then sets ornaments under the window by the tree while ceria rigs of a blow torch by the back door kitchen entrance before she and Kevin where shown up on the balcony as they tied rope to two paint cans before finishing with everything else as they smile high-fiveing.

The lights on the Christmas tree turned on while ceria cooked them some macaroni and cheese as the microwave digs before she carefully takes it out it was big enough to feed them both as she walks over to the table sitting it down with a smile as she sits hy Kevin just as the van was shown pulling up outside the house.

"Okay we'll check it out first we can always come back for the truck"harry says before putting on his Beni as he and marv get out the van closing the doors before walking through the snow to the house with a crow bar as they walk towards the backdoor to the kitchen.

Kevin and ceria silently pray over there meal before digging in but the clock chimes as they share a look it was time before they blew out the candles and covered there food as they head to the kitchen.

Ceria handed Kevin his bebe gun as he cocks this was it no backing out now they leans back against the wall by the door as two shadows appeared on the curtain of the door as marv knocks on the door.

"Merry Christmas guys we know y'all are all alone and in there."harry says with a smile.

"Yeah kids come on open up it's Santa Claus and his elf"Marv says with a laugh.

Kevin quietly kneels down by the door flap as he carefully slides his gun through as it shows right in front of Harry's crotch "we're not gonna hurt y'all"harry says.

"No no we got some nice presents for y'all"maybe says.

"Be good kids now and open the door "harry says just as Kevin shoots as harry lets out a yell"ow!"he croaks with a scream holding hia crunch as ceria silently laughs as her little brother smiles. Harry hops around muttering before falling to his knees in pain"what? What what happened"Marv asked not understanding harry since he was muttering.

"Get those little --"harry groans with a glare as Marv nods his head going back to the door Kevin was now laying on his stomach holding the bebe gon while ceria had a frying pan. Marv then sticks his head through the flap before freezing as a bebe gun was pointed at him as he smiles nervously "hello"Kevin says with a smile.

"And goodbye"ceria says as Kevin shoots as he was shot in the forehead making him groan before screaming as ceria smacks him hard in the head with the frying pan as he ducks out the flap as the siblings laugh before moving further into the house.

Marv falls back scream as his forehead was bleeding "the little brats are armed!"Marv says.

"That's it! That's it! I'm going around front you around back!"harry snaps as they do just that not knowing what lays ahead of them.

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