Material Girl

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"Everybody loves movies

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"Everybody loves movies. They don't just tell a story. They transport us to other worlds. There inspirational. They provide comfort. They help us escape from our day-to-day anxieties." Mr. Schue said, after writing Movies on the board.

"Like getting left at the altar?" Kitty asked, and Blaine's hand quickly went over my mouth, which was good because I was going to burst into laughter. Kitty was one of the funniest people I knew, I couldn't be alone around her and someone she hated.

"Exactly. Or in your guys case, studying for exams, or prepping for regionals. Which brings us to this weeks assignment, I want you to pick songs from your favorite movies!" He smiled, changing the subject and I got extremely excited. Blaine and I had to do Come What May from Moulin Rouge, it was the only answer.

"Unique knows all there is to know about the crying game." Unique smiled, and Kitty interrupted.

You don't get dibs on Les Mis just because you are the poster." She shrugged to Marley, who's mood changed very fast.

"Well, Blaine and I get dibs on Moulin Rouge!" I yelled and he high-fived me, he was thinking the exact same thing.

" I can do my Nicolas Cage impression. No, not the bees, bees, no!" Sam said, doing a horrible impression.

"That was the worst Nicolas Cage impression I've ever seen." Kitty looked disgusted at what she just saw.

"Do you even know who Nicolas Cage is?" Artie asked, and she looked very offended now.

"Okay, it's not that simple guys. This is a group competition boys against girls, and we are doing mash ups. Remember, movies are visual. It's not just about singing. It's about, performance it's about theatricality. It's about the language of cinema." Mr. Schue interrupted and my mood dropped.

"Preach. And as I move into production on my first micro budget feature, I'm happy to offer, starring roles to whichever team. No trailers, no per diem." Artie smiled, rolling to the front of the room, and we all cheered.

I walked over to the girls, and Blaine started to talk to Artie.

"We should do the artist so we don't have to sing!" Sugar smiled, and we all looked at her like she was crazy.

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