All Out Of Love

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"Becky, come here. I want to show you something." I sighed, putting a VHS tape of the day after Chihuahua and Burt Reynolds went out to the gay bar, and he apologized to her for doing something while he was drunk. Sometimes at night, I replay the apology in my head when I'm trying to fall asleep, it relaxes me.

"Oh, Becky, this is Blami. And their's is a love for the ages." I smiled, watching the tape as it switched to a different scene.

"But, coach, they're barely looking at each other?" Becky questioned, staring at the TV.

"That's because they're chemistry is so intense, Becky. If they were to actually make eye contact, oh, my, the emotion would be such they'd have to disappear behind the nearest dumpster and just hump, hump, hump, hump, hump." I said while the videos switched.

"Where did you get all these video clips?" She asked, making me laugh slightly.

"I have cameras everywhere, Becky." I sighed, wishing she would stop talking so we could just watch Blami in peace, how it should be.

"But is this, like, a dream sequence? How could you film that?" She complained, so I paused the film.

"Okay, Becky, just shut up. You're ruining this, honey." I snapped, pressing play again.

"But it looks like they don't even like each other!" She scoffed, Blami were in a fight about Sam Evans. Sam Evans is becoming my worst enemy, he's constantly getting in the way of the worlds most perfect couple, and I will not stand for this.

"Oh, sweet, simple Becky. You have so much to learn about love. Look at them, have there ever been two human beings more meant for each other? Oh! And yet, somehow, hackneyed circumstance and a lemon haired trout have gotten between them. I need to get these two into a small confined space where they're forced to gaze into each other's eyes. And then, Becky, then the stinky frottage will commence."


"Sorry, oh- Hi." Blaine smiled after bumping into me on his way out of the faculty bathroom.

"Hi. I thought you'd be in the auditorium, the Warblers are about to go on." I said, backing up slightly.

"Oh, I know, I just have always wanted to use the McKinley faculty bathroom now that I'm sort of faculty myself." He shrugged, looking slightly embarrassed.

"So how was it?" I asked with a giggle as his face turned red.

"It felt.. really grown up." He laughed, making me roll my eyes.

"I'm glad. I'm headed back now, do you want to walk with me?" I smiled and started to walk.

"Yeah, that would be nice." He grinned, quickly joining me.

"Oh, hey is that new?" He asked, pointing at an elevator I had never seen before.

"Oh, yeah, I guess so. Of course they get an elevator after we graduate." I scoffed, pressing the button.

"Those years of carrying up those stairs, such a drag." Blaine sighed as we stepped into the elevator and I pushed the auditorium button.

"Are you excited to watch the Warblers perform?" I smiled, trying to make light conversation so it wouldn't be awkward.

"I am, they're really good. Hey, is this a bathroom? In an elevator?" Blaine asked, turning around and opening a bathroom door.

"I don't think we're moving." I gasped as I frantically pressed all the buttons.

"I think we're locked in." Blaine sighed, looking around the elevator.

"Oh, my god, no. What Sue said about kidnapping me?" I said, my eyes widening and then the lights flickered off then slowly started to turn back on. "I don't think this is a real elevator."

Believe | Blaine Anderson - GleeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz