Hopelessly Devoted To You

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"All right, everybody, I wish I could say that this week wasn't about competing against each other, but it's time for one last diva-off. Apparently, the only song we can sing in a diva-off, is Defying Gravity." Mr. Schue smiled, walking in as the bell rang.

"Wait, so we have to listen to Kurt shred that note again?" Santana asked, crossing her arms, and I stifled a laugh.

"For the millionth time, I did it on purpose." Kurt groaned as Rachel patted him on the shoulder.

"And after we're done singing the song, there will be a secret ballot where you guys can finally answer the age-old question; who is the true star of the Glee Club. Me or Mercedes."Rachel smiled, and I slightly raised my hand.

"This is unfair, how come only Rachel or Mercedes can be the stars? Did we forget that I currently hold the Biggest Diva title?" I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"Well, Sami, this can just be the biggest star of the original club, how about that?" Rachel snapped, shooting me a sharp glare as she walked to the front of the room.

"Did we really just have to listen to the same song three times?" I whispered to Blaine as Mercedes finished, and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"All right, let's stop playing around. It's time to vote." Mercedes smiled, and I knew I was voting for Rachel, even though I wasn't entirely fond of her at the moment, I thought her voice fit the song better.

"Actually, let's just take a beat and just enjoy how amazing those performances were. We'll sleep on it, and vote tomorrow. But today, right now, you guys are all winners." Mr. Schue said, standing up and I rolled my eyes. He always found a way to make everything into a happy moment, when it doesn't have to be.

"Is it just me, or does Kurt look like Charlie Brown?" I asked Blaine as the bell rang and he helped me out of my chair. Kurt was wearing a yellow shirt with a large black stripe on it, and the whole time he was singing, it was all I could think about.

"I thought I was the only one who noticed that." He laughed quietly, holding the door open for me, but before I could walk out, I was cornered by Rachel.

"She may be a pop-diva, but let's face it, this song is from one of the longest-running Broadway musicals of all time." Rachel smiled, as she gathered Sam, Unique, Blaine, Kurt and I into Mr. Schue's history classroom.

"You're making me not want to vote for you anymore." I sighed, as Sam raised his hand.

"Question, why do they call it Broadway when most of the theatres are not actually on Broadway?" He asked, and I actually thought that was a decent question, when Blaine just buried his face in his hands.

"I am better than her. Just vote for me, and let's settle this once at for all time. Amen." Mercedes smiled, and I rolled my eyes at the two girls who had made all of us sit there and listen to their very long and annoying speeches about how they were better than the other.

"I'm voting for Kurt." I whispered to Blaine as Mercedes finally let us out.

"Please tell me we aren't going to be living in Santana's apartment when we move to New York." I said to Blaine as we sat in the Choir Room, waiting for Mr. Schue to come in so we could start the second Glee meeting of the day.

"Of course not, we're going to property hunting over the summer, we will find our own perfect little place." Blaine smiled, and I leaned my head on his shoulder. We hadn't discussed moving in together, it just seemed like the natural thing to do. I basically already lived at his house, and we already spent the whole day together, so it was just silently agreed that we would be living together after high school.

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