Deja Vu

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"I'm sorry I'm late, rehearsals ran long." I said, running into the restaurant for Blaine and I's date.

"When are you not late?" Blaine half-joked as I sat in the chair across from him.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, my tone not matching his.

"Nothing, it was just a joke." He shrugged, taking a sip of his drink.

"No, tell me. I don't think we need another lying debacle." I muttered, looking down as I placed my napkin over my skirt.

"I'm sorry?" He scoffed, making me look back up at him. We had been getting in a lot more fights lately, since I had started giving all of my attention to Funny Girl. Funny Girl was amazing, and the reviews I got were like Rachel's, maybe even better.

"It was just a joke." I said, mimicking him.

"Fine. You're always late. To everything. I know it's for Funny Girl, but you'd think you would prioritize me a little." He snapped, squinting his eyes slightly. He didn't raise his voice, he didn't  really ever raise his voice, but he had a certain snarky tone in it.

"Blaine, are you serious? It's not like I can just l walk out of a show to go sit at home and watch TV. This is my career, my dream. Why are you being like this?" I scoffed, crossing my arms. I knew he was upset about how much of my time Funny Girl was taking up, and honestly, I was kind of prioritizing it.

"I'm being like this, because every time you come home from a show, your exhausted and every little thing pisses you off, so we always get in a fight. It's a new thing everyday. Whether I forgot to do the dishes or left a bit of toothpaste on a towel, and I'm sick of it." He said, making me stand up.

"What are you gonna do when we're married?  What are you gonna do when we both have jobs, when we're both the leads in a play and all of our attention goes to that. Are you just going to give up because we can't spend every second of every day together anymore? I was planning on pushing through it because I love you, but if your not willing to do that, then we have a serious problem." I snapped, throwing my napkin down.

"Really? I'm giving up? It seems like your the one giving up. I try to talk to you and your never interested. Is there someone else or what?" He asked, making my jaw drop.

"I know you did not just say that. Are you fucking kidding me? Who do you think you are to accuse me of cheating on you? Do you even want to get married anymore? Because it seems like you don't." I said, and he hesitated for a second, which already told me everything I needed to know.

"Wow, okay. If your not in this, then I'm not. Screw you, Blaine." I yelled, cutting him off before he could say anything, throwing my ring on the floor and walking out.

When I heard Kurt say he was going back to Lima to help run the new glee club, I knew I had to as well. I couldn't do New York on my own. I lost Blaine, and Kurt had been my confidant throughout it all. I left Funny Girl on good terms, and gave them enough notice to find someone new, unlike Rachel, who just quit on the spot and I somehow convinced Carmen Tibideaux to let me do my third year activity in my second year instead, since Rachel left and I became her new favorite.

"Oh my god, it's good to be back." I sighed, setting a box of sheet music down on a chair in the choir room.

"Thank you very much gentlemen! We know that in the past the glee club and AV Club have had friendly relations and we plan to keep that intact." Rachel smiled as the helped some of the AV kids move the piano back into the room. I know it's stupid, but this piano held so many memories it made me a little emotional. The serenades Blaine and I would sing to each other when nobody was there, the way he would look at me from the bench when I sat on it and he didn't think I was looking, but I always was. It's hard for me to admit that I'm not over Blaine, but I'm not. I tried meeting someone new, but nobody could make me feel the same as he did. But I can't go back to him, not after how things ended.

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