Don't Stop Believin'

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"Sam. They're here." Blaine ran into the empty classroom I was sitting in with Kurt, holding two envelopes in his hands.

"Oh my god." I gasped, getting up from my chair and slowly walking towards him, my breathing increasing rapidly. This was it, this was the moment that would determine the rest of my life.

"Do you want to do it together?" I asked, as we both just stared at the letters.

"Yeah." Blaine nodded, but neither of us counted, we just sat there, frozen.

"You guys are killing me! I'll count!" Kurt yelled, standing in between us.

"3. 2. 1." He said, and I opened my letter as Blaine did.

"Dear Samantha Fabray,

We are pleased to inform you-"

That was all I needed to read, and my heart skipped a beat. But I couldn't celebrate yet, I had to know what Blaine got. I looked up instantly to see him already looking at me, both of our faces blank.

"So?" Kurt asked, waving his hands in our faces.

"I got in." We both said breathlessly, and the blank stares on our faces were instantly replaced with large smiles and we started screaming. Getting into NYADA with Blaine was absolutely amazing, and our plan for the future was already off to a perfect start. It would be an incredible experience, and I couldn't wait to start being able to do what I was passionate about. Being able to go together was like a dream come true. We pulled each other into a hug, and we were both jumping up and down while in each other's arms as Kurt squealed from the side of us, then joined us in a group hug.

"We have to go tell everyone!" I smiled, and Blaine grabbed my hand as we ran down the hall, Kurt trailing behind.

"You guys might want to sit down, we have huge news." Blaine grinned, as we entered the Choir room where Tina, Rachel and Sam were already inside.

"You guys got married and adopted Russian twin babies. Yes!" Sam yelled, and we all went silent for a moment, then Blaine and I looked at each other.

"We got into NYADA!" We smiled, and all of them came to hug us, issuing different versions of Congratulations.

"Oh my god, you know what this means? All of us, we're all going to New York together!" Tina said, and before I could make a sarcastic comment about how fun that would be, Sam turned around, and because he as holding a giant trophy, he hit Tina square in the head, and I tried my hardest not to laugh, but it still came out anyways.

After trying to wake Tina up for a while, I suggested we just spray her with a hose, but everyone shot me down instantly, so I just sat on the piano and watched, since nobody appreciated the truly good ideas.

"Oh my gosh, Tina, are you okay?" Sam asked, as Tina finally opened her eyes.

"Guys, New York, it's going to be amazing!" She smiled, and I tilted my head. Nobody should be that happy after getting knocked out by a trophy. Maybe that's why Tina vapo-raped by fiancé, she had hit her head many, many times.

"Being here with everyone has brought so many good feelings and memories, I mean look at Puck and Quinn, and we have no idea what's going on there, nor do I know where her boyfriend ran off to, but it looks like we can be expecting another accidental pregnancy sometime soon." Mercedes smiled as her and Kurt gathered everyone in the auditorium and we all cheered. Puck and Quinn had gotten together after the whole Biff thing, I'm assuming Puck rushing to my aid made Quinn realize her undying love for him or something, but nevertheless, I'm extremely happy that Quinn finally found someone who can make her happy.

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