Chapter 5

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Zyler was in his office, working relentlessly, guarding the empire he built. The ring in his phone indicated he had a meeting to attend. He groaned and shut the mouth of the device. He was in no mood to participate in no discussions. All he needed was a warm shower and, if he wills, a redhead to rail.

Sitting right up, he yawned. His muscles were in a knot. He cranked his neck and fingers, releasing the tension in his bones. He must've been seated in an odd position, but again, he works to death once he gets into work.

He was about to call Cole when he heard a knock on the door. Cole's head popped in, "the senator is here," Zyler raised his eyebrow, not recognizing who or why he was there.

"The one you had helped swing the elections in Colorado?" Cole reminded doubtfully. "You don't remember, do you?" Cole chuckled, and Zyler leaned back in his chair.

"Is it bad that I don't?" he clicked the pen's cap and laced his fingers. He does his work and enjoys the fruit of his hard work. He willfully forgets whom he helped or what he did unless he wants to remember it. "Why is he here now?" he rested his elbow on the head of the chair.

"He registered the building you wanted on Hudson yards on your name as a token of donating to the election campaign and rigging the elections," Cole smirked, knowing how much Zyler wanted that architectural marvel in his name. A cunning smile crossed Zyler's face. He knew the bastard would do what he asked for.

"Tell him I won't meet him, and I need the registration papers notarized ASAP," he directed his attention to the computer screen. Cole turned his heel to leave when Zyler stopped him.

"And, Cole," he raised his finger, "I want three of the flats in that building in his name," he pulled up the blueprint of that high rise, "particularly, these," he pointed to three specific flats.

"Why?" Cole did not understand where Zyler was getting at.

"Every building needs a watchdog, Cole. Knowing that douchebag, I am sure he will be more into saving his ass, thus saving mine if there is income tax/ government issues," he knew the senator would keep the government out of this project if his flats were also in the same building.

"One less thing for me to worry about," Zyler cranked his knuckles.

"Anything else?" he asked, seeing Cole hadn't left.

"Some of the men in Vipers gang escaped. Someone named Joe hired some other people and kidnapped some of our employee's women and kids. We just received this," Cole put his iPad before Zyler, and he keenly observed the footage.

"I think it is time you teach those douchebags a lesson. Not only them but the rest of the gangs also need to hear this loud and clear. They have to be taught that they cannot take us. We have to get them out. Here is the location," Cole typed something and zoomed in on a seaport.

Zyler had eliminated a local gang, the vipers. He chased and hunted down all of them. He must've missed a squanderer, which is why this is high time he sends a message.

"How many?" he asked, getting up.

"20," Cole followed Zyler.

"Get the team ready then," it shouldn't take him longer, but he had to do this if he didn't want it repeated.

By the time they started to the destination, the sun had already set. The night is his favorite time to commit crimes. He can appear like the night and disappear like a sandstorm.

The ding in the device indicated that they had arrived. "12 men are inside," Cole turned on the IR cam and showed it to Zyler. The body heat cameras showed that these men were unprepared for this situation, smoking, drinking, or whatever they were doing.

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