Chapter 55

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His face mirrored shock, his grey eyes bringing up a storm, and I wasn't afraid of him for the first time in forever.

"Why April? Why won't you accept this? Why do you have to make it so fucking complicated?" He asked me, pulling my hair. How the fuck can he ask me that?

I gritted my teeth, barring it, and gulped all the anger, trying not to lash at him. Anger won't do any good. "Are you out of your fucking mind Liam?" I balled my fists, punching him in his chest. Are you fucking delusional? Or did your psycho ass forgot to remember?" I hit him again. I am not a murderer, but I wish I had a knife. I wanted to rip his heart out, making him feel the same pain he caused me all these years.

"Do you want me to give you all the details? You raped me, Liam. You fucking raped me," I slapped him. My anger got the worst of me. "You took my life away," I beat him again. But there was no anger on his face. Why? Why isn't he showing his rage? Why isn't he hurting me?

"Answer me, Liam. Did you forget how you forced yourself on me? You raped me all night. Maybe you fucking forgot those details, but I remember them all too well. Every (jab in the chest with a finger) bit (jab) of (jab) it."

"You ripped my soul. You used my love. You bruised my heart," I can go on and on about the horrid things he did to me. But he knew all of those and did them to me anyway. "This life is a prison."

He looked down at my finger, touching his chest. "You and your family should go to hell, Liam. Because God willing, I escape. I will bring you all to your knees," I stared at him with a hatred that could turn him into stone. I wished I was Medusa.

"I will make sure you and your family suffer."

Again, I was met with silence. "You know, Liam, for a man who despises his father. You are very much like him," That got a reaction out of him, and he pushed me into the wall. His pupils dilated and seemed to cover his entire sclera.

"I AM NOTHING LIKE MY FATHER. MY FATHER IS A FUCKING PEDO," he screamed in my face. "DO YOU GET ME? I AM NOT MY FATHER. HE IS A SON OF A BITCH," his angry breath seared my skin.

"YOU ARE," I screamed back at him. "YOU ARE A SON OF A BITCH TOO. A RAPING SON OF A BITCH," This is the most I have ever screamed at him. I was always supposed to keep my head down and lower my voice. Not anymore. I am not his needy crowning jewel anymore. I will be the gasoline down his throat that will burn him from within. I will be the flame or a candle that will burn his house down or myself.

"Don't you remember my screams, Liam? Or were the screams too familiar to you? Did my screams resemble the screams of your mother when your father forced her?" It was a guess. Based on what his mother had told me, I am sure she was raped. I wasn't supposed to say things like that to him, but I was desperate to. I wanted to hurt him with my words, which made him mad. He looked possessed.

"LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON," was the last word I said before I felt a sharp sting on my cheek. A slap that I had ever felt from him. It was so powerful that I had to take a few minutes before I composed myself to look at him.

I scoffed, "Go ahead, Liam, the more you hit me, the more you prove to me that you are him," he can hit me. He can punish me all he wants. I will not back down. Maybe he will show mercy and kill me.

"Shut up before I fuck you to death, April," he pulled his hair, trying to lessen his anger, and I laughed. "That's the best you can do, Liam? Is that the best threat you can come up with?" I got up. "If you think your dick can scare me. You are mistaken. I had been through worse. There is nothing you can do to me worse than being fucked by you, and I already lived it."

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