chapter 7

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"Nicholas," she couldn't believe the man was here again. What was he here for? He didn't wait for a second. In one lunge, he trapped Autumn between the fence and himself.

"Did I not tell you not to fucking ignore me?" he burrowed his nails into her forearm, and Autumn stumbled back.

"You are hurting me, Nick," she pouted, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.

"But you look good crying," he pushed her crotch into his holding her ass. She turned her head to the side and shut her eyes. Her eyelashes were wet from the tears she shed. She hated being this helpless.

"Nick, let me go, please. I don't know why you are fixated on me; I am sure you are rich. You can have anyone you want," she tried convincing him, hoping he would listen. The man eyed her silently for a minute. He said nothing but stroke her cheek with his knuckles and kiss the spot. His breath smelled of alcohol and weed.

"I don't like it when my women talk back, and yes, you are a plain jane. Like it or not, that is the fact," to prove his point acrimoniously, Nicholas dug his teeth into her shoulder.

"Nicholas, please," she tried pushing him away, but the man hooked his hands on her wrists and slammed them onto the fence.

"Why weren't you answering my calls?" he grabbed her jaw and dug his nails into her cheek. Her lips puckered.

"I wasn't home. I went out for a walk," she purposefully didn't tell him about Samantha or Elliot. What good does it do? Besides, Nicholas looked like he was going to lash out at her any minute.

"Who the fuck doesn't take their phone on a walk? Were you planning to escape or something?" he wanted to choke her but reserved it for later, as he would be punishing her anyways.

"Open the door. Let's head inside," he switched his emotions and smiled. This man must be a psychopath to change his feelings so quickly.

"I... I.." she fiddled. She didn't want Nick to see Millie.

"I am waiting, Autumn, don't fuck with my mind," he could see that her eyes were moving from the door and back. He took a step forward, and she dug her nails into her palm. As if god wanted to save her, his phone rang. Nick stepped back, giving her space to breathe, and answered the call.

"Yeah, Sure....... I will be there...." He smelled Autumn one last time before warning her, "ignore me and see what happens," he tapped her cheeks and turned his heels away, stepping out the door.

"Phew," Autumn inhaled a breath. She composed herself and wiped her tears. Unlocking the door, she stepped inside the house. She made a beeline straight to her bedroom and found Millie sound asleep on the bed. The girl appeared tired, worn out, and sad. What a painful situation for a child to be in.

She grabbed arnica from the cupboard and dabbed it onto Millie's cheeks. The little girl did not even move. She finished treating her wound and covered her tiny body with a blanket. Sighing, she got up. This cannot go on. Someone had to do something, so she turned her laptop on and adjusted the screen.

She googled Stone industries, but there was none, not even a single lousy article about them. Is this really true? No corporation can be this good. How come there is not even a single article written about them?

Bianchis and Thames, Friends or Foes? A life of crime, abuse, blood, and pain.

Are the Stone's as good as they claim to be? she titled the article. If this is what will help women like Samantha, so be it. If whatever she said was true, this article might benefit at least one woman. Even if one person thinks this is true, life in this town will change.

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