Chapter 20

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Autumn's heart sank when Jennifer told Zyler summoned her to his cabin. She had barely recovered from the shock of being kissed in the dark room, and now she had to face him again. Taking a deep breath, she made her way to his cabin. Before she could sit, Zyler threw a stack of papers to her end, "I have a contract here for you to sign," he returned to doing his work. Autumn picked the paper up and skimmed through it. She didn't have the mind or mental capacity to read through it well. She just wanted to get it over with. After her conversation with Jennifer, she thought staying away from the man would be better.

Without much thought, she signed on the dotted line and slid the papers in Zyler's direction. He picked up the documents and inspected them with a mischievous glint in his eyes. He knew he dazed her well enough to cloud her senses. That is what Zyler is best at, distracting people from important things to achieve his goal. "You know, Ms. Wraith," he turned pages on the contract. "You need to read before you sign," he locked the papers in his drawer.

"What do you mean, sir?" she didn't understand why he would say that. Why would he caution her to read? Most contracts are standard, especially when it comes to working.

"Nothing. You never know what people make you sign these days," he winked.

"I didn't think to read it first," she admitted, embarrassed. How can she be so reckless?

Zyler's lips curved into a sly smile. "I'll keep that in mind for next time," he quipped, his voice smooth as silk. "Now you can leave," he didn't give her a chance to speak further.

As Autumn left absentmindedly, Zyler leaned back in his leather chair, a sly grin playing on his lips as he watched her leave. He had included the fine print, knowing full well that she wouldn't read it thoroughly before signing. It was his way of keeping her tied to the company for at least two years. Even if she tried to fight it or break it, his company has deep pockets. She won't win. He also knows the ways of the poor and underdogs, they won't go to court, and they think it is a waste of time. He has money to run out those lawyers of her will make them lose in court.

As he looked at the contract, he patted himself on the back. He preferred to think of himself as a smart businessman. His poor thing didn't know about this clause. She's going to be stuck here for two years, whether she likes it or not, and he can see her every day and do as he wishes with her. He really thought she was smart. She should have read the contract more carefully. He told himself. Also, he knew she was lucky to have a job at all. In this economy, jobs are hard to come by. With that, Zyler leaned back in his chair, content with his shrewd business tactics.

Autumn couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and discomfort whenever she was around Zyler. It wasn't just his demanding and dominating nature but the way he carried himself like he was above everyone else. His piercing gaze and the way his voice boomed across the room sent chills down her spine. It was as if he was a predator; she was his prey, always on edge, waiting for him to pounce. The man was having a bad day too. He needed to sort out his underworld business issues while still caring for a new publishing house. His goal was to buy most and have autonomy over them so they could not write about him.

Having her by his side and seeing his face made him feel good. He knew he was making her nervous. He saw her sweating, but he needed her by his side.

Despite her best efforts, she couldn't shake off the feeling of dread that consumed her whenever she was around him. And the worst part was that she had to work closely with him on a daily basis. It was exhausting and draining, and she could feel her confidence and morale slowly diminishing with each passing hour.

Her first day at the office was a complete nightmare. Zyler had her running around like a headless chicken, fetching his coffee, making copies, and attending to every whim of his. He was a demanding and domineering boss with no consideration for her personal space or time. Despite all this, Autumn tried to put up a brave face and show that she was capable of handling the job.

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