Chapter 48

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"Come on in, Mr. Stone," he invited. Autumn, along with Zyler, stepped in. She stood in the hall, closing her eyes, praying for a drama-free visit.

Zyler and Autumn stepped in. Dominique wrapped his arm around Rebecca's frozen body. "We are happy to have you here, Mr. Stone, aren't we, dear?" Looking at his wife, he smiled, and she snapped out of shock.

"Yeah, come on in. Mr. Stone," she moved, giving way to her daughter and him. He walked into the living room and looked around. Autumn followed him, her nerves still on fire. She didn't know what to do or even initiate a conversation with her parents. She knew he knew they were her parents, but she was sure her parents had no idea she was working for him.

There was silence. Again. Autumn felt awkward standing in her own house like a stranger. "Have a seat, Mr. Stone," Rebecca offered. Zyler smirked internally, knowing he was getting the treatment of their Son-in-law. After all, he is her their son-in-law, well, at least in his head.

"Mr. Wraith, Ms. Wraith, I'd like you to meet my assistant," Zyler introduced Autumn to her own parents, fighting the urge to burst into uncontrollable laughter. It took every ounce of his self-control not to collapse into fits of giggles at the sheer absurdity of the situation. After all, what could be more hilarious than introducing someone to their own parents as if they were complete strangers?

"Yes, Mr. Stone. I happen to know my own daughter," Dominique declared, his gaze fixed on Autumn, who was desperately avoiding eye contact with her parents.

"Really? My assistant is your daughter?" Zyler feigned surprise, his expression one of exaggerated innocence. He glanced at Autumn, smirking. "Well, that's quite a coincidence, isn't it? Small world, I guess!" He couldn't help but suppress a mischievous grin, thoroughly enjoying the situation.

"Yes, Mr. Stone. I knew she was working. But I didn't know she was working for you," Dominique signaled to Rebecca to get Zyler something to drink. Rebecca hurried into the kitchen and back.

She poured some fruit juice into a glass and handed it over. "Well," he grabbed the drink and took a sip. "I must say your daughter is exceptionally bright," he complimented her. Autumn didn't know what to think. Her mind drifted back to day 1 when she started working for him and when he called her incompetent.

"She had me hooked around her finger," he wanted to say around her pussy, but completed it in his head.

"She is one of a kind, I tell you," He praised her again, but Dominique and Rebecca had solemn expressions.

"Let's go have dinner," Domonique saved them a conversation. Rebecca left to prepare for dinner, and Zyler got up and walked over to Autumn.

"You will be a good girl, won't you?" He wanted to kiss the senses off of her. She looked cute. She pleaded with her eyes asking him not to do this to her. But he only smirked, leaning in, "Don't make me spank you," his voice was thick with need. The situation was doing something to him. Something akin to desperation and arousal. He breathed in her ear, "We don't want to let your parents know that their dotting daughter tastes like a goddess," he gently licked his lips while Autumn was terrified to the bone. She didn't want her parents to see this.

She crinkled her nose in distaste, "Nessie," she immediately stumbled back.

"Yes, Mom," she turned around. Her mother used to call her that when she was angry or in a loving mood. Except she didn't know which now she was in now. She hadn't heard her mother call her that in ages. It was what her dad named her when she was 5. It was Latin for her name Autumnus. They shortened it and made it Nessie.

He called April, Ellis, for Aprilis shortened to April, and they condensed it to Ellis. Except she hadn't heard them call her that in ages.

"Come help me in the kitchen," Rebecca left, ordering her daughter. Autumn didn't wait for a second to get away from Zyler. She ran to her mother. Her mother was banging pots and pans, a habit she had when upset or frustrated.

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