Chapter 19

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Autumn's heart was pounding in her chest as she felt his abuse on her lips, her breaths coming out in short gasps. She could feel the cold sweat running down her back as Zyler's slurping noises echoed through the room, his voice dripping with a dangerous, almost demonic tone. She had never felt so alone, so helpless, and so utterly terrified in her life.

Every instinct she had was telling her to run, to get as far away from this madman as possible. But she knew deep down that there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. She was entirely at his mercy and could do nothing about it. Her mind was racing, trying to devise a way out of this nightmare, but she knew it was futile. The Devil himself had her in his grasp, and she was powerless to stop him. He stole her kiss, and he stole her first kiss. Little did she know the devil had claimed her before this. He had tasted those addictive lips, drank her essence, and gave her his mark, marked as his.

As she lay there, trembling and helpless. His powerful presence loomed over her like a shadow, his twisted desires and wicked intentions sending shivers down her spine. Something in her heart told her that he was claiming her body and soul, and she could do nothing to escape his grasp.

Zyler pulled back after drinking her to his heart's content. Her saliva tasted like a fucking drug, "that is so fucking delicious," he rubbed his lips on her neck. "So innocent," he bit down on her chin, moving down to her neck. Entwining his hands in her hair, he yanked her head, and she hissed. "Make those sounds, baby," he moaned. The poor had no idea what sounds. Her swan-like neck was exposed to him. A little mole was residing in the joint where her neck met her lower body, sitting right in the valley of her throat, and that little thing ignited his hedonistic desires and insatiable lust for her.

Darting his tongue out, he licked the mole, peppering kisses all over her open neck, licking, sucking, biting, while Autumn tried to free herself from his grasp. "Don't struggle, baby. It would only make it worse," he sank his teeth into her neck to prove his point. The girl opened her eyes, trying to see who he was, but all she could see was his silhouette, a shadow of a man with a heart made of darkness and wings dipped in sin.

"No," she tried to escape, and in return, he punished her neck with a livid bite.

"I don't like to be disturbed when doing my work," he lapped on the bite like a wolf. Her neck was so smooth and addictive, so fucking smooth. He didn't like that it was flawless. How could it be? he did not like it one fucking bit. His gaze roved on the hickey he just gave. He rubbed his nose all over, making sure she smelled like him and he, like her. He was memorizing all of it to make sure that scent coated his jacket so he could revel in it later.

He drank a teardrop that escaped from her eyes. He noticed she had closed them when he pulled his neck from her face. "You are the devil's chosen, marked by his carnal ways and his infernal passion, forever entwined in his embrace," he spoke poetically, which Autumn failed to grasp. What was the point anyways? Her mind was running a thousand miles a minute.

"Keep your eyes closed," she listened to him out of terror. "See you soon, baby, remember darling, and if you head down the wrong path, I will do anything to correct you," with that warning, he got up and vamoosed out of the room. Autumn felt a weight lift off her, and that is when she opened her eyes. She needed to know if it was real or fake or if she was dreaming. Her mind failed to comprehend anything that had just happened to her. she was still shocked. But it did happen, and she could smell him on her. It smelled musky, again, something familiar.

"No, no," she got up and brought her knees back to her chest. Sitting there, she rocked herself back and forth. She reeled in self-pity. How was this man here? And more importantly, how did he get past the security? After a few minutes, she got up. Straightening her clothes and hair, she stepped out of the room. She didn't give a damn about the stupid file that put her in this situation in the first place. Autumn walked into the restroom and washed her face with the little self-care kit she always carried. She combed her hair and applied the lipstick. Her neck was burning, and touching the spot only made it worse. She took a bit of lipstick and spread it on the site. Giving herself a pep talk, she stepped out.

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