Chapter 24

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Autumn's heart thumped against her ribcage, a mixture of fear and excitement gripping her as she listened to Zyler's words. She knew that her survival depended on her ability to outsmart him, and she was determined to use every ounce of strength and skill she possessed to win this walk in the park with dinosaurs. Her mind raced as she assessed her options, searching for any weakness in Zyler's plan. She knew that one wrong move could be fatal, but she refused to give up without a fight.

"You make it to that castle," he jutted his chin toward the castle at the far end of the ravine, and Autumn's eyes followed it. How did she miss that big thing when she arrived there? "I will let you go," he rubbed his nose in her neck, grabbing her attention.

She could tell the castle had a foreboding presence, looming over the landscape like a sleeping giant. Its walls were made of ancient stone, stained with moss and lichen, and its turrets reached towards the sky like the fingers of a giant hand. The narrow windows looked like empty eye sockets, watching everything that passed by. The gates were rusted and creaked ominously in the wind, and the surrounding moat was murky and still. Despite its apparent decay and neglect, there was something deeply intimidating about the castle, as if it held secrets and dangers that were best left undisturbed. It was a place that inspired fear and caution in even the bravest of hearts.

"And if I don't?" she asked, her eyes locked still on the castle, purposefully avoiding the man's kisses on her neck. He stopped kissing. He stopped kissing, lifting his eyes to meet hers. His laughter was cold and humorless, which would haunt her for the rest of her life.

Clutching her chin, he turned her face to his side, her lips puckered, dragging her lower lip between his teeth. He bit down harshly, making her eyes water. The bite was deep and painful. "I will make you my meal," he released her lower lip from his grasp. His eyes told her he was serious, very serious. Gone is the playful Zyler. He had the aura of an unpredictable lion. Autumn gulped, darting her eyes to the castle.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She had to be careful. This was her one chance at freedom. And then she took off, running as fast as she could through the dense woods. His amusing laughter didn't go past her. she heard it. He was telling her she wouldn't win. Was he right? Can he outrun him? can she put an end to this? Her mind asked her to stop thinking and just run. She ran as far as her little feet took her.

Zyler watched her running body. Her hair flowed in the wind as she escaped. He was dying to wrap those soft fibers around his wrist and pound into her on her fours until she loses her consciousness until her pussy walls danced to his every dick move. He wanted her, her and her only, and this chase was thrilling, so thrilling his dick ached. His balls tightened. He never knew hunting could be a dance of aching sexual pleasure. His eyes were heavy-lidded, filled with desires, so much so that his blue eyes dilated to the point that his sclera disappeared.

The trees around him seemed to quiver with anticipation as if they were eagerly awaiting her capture. The crunch of leaves underfoot sounded like the hunter's drumbeat, pushing Zyler forward with every step. The rustling of leaves felt like a symphony of fear and desire, making his blood rush with excitement. His dick ran with each step he took. Each breath Autumn took was like sweet nectar, fueling his primal instincts, and every moment that she continued to run was like a challenge to his hunter's prowess. He caught her whiff on every tree she passed, her clothes tattered and clutching the branches. The chase was a dance between predator and prey, with the forest as their stage. And Zyler was determined to emerge victorious, to claim his prize and revel in the glory of the hunt.

The forest floor was damp from recent rainfall, making her foot uncertain as she navigated the treacherous terrain. She could feel Zyler's sinister laughter behind her as she ran. He was standing far away, but her skin still had a memory of his burning brand pressed to her skin, touching her neck as he began to chase her, the sound of his mocking laughter echoing through the trees. He was getting closer, too close for comfort. His relentless pursuit seemed to be closing in on her, and she could feel his presence like a spider crawling on the back of her neck. Was he really that close, or was her mind playing tricks on her? She turned her head to look at him, and there he was, running alongside her, his eyes locked onto hers. He wasn't running at full speed, but his pace was relentless, like a cheetah closing in on its prey.

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