Chapter 89

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A year later....

April, her voice strained with exasperation, chased after Peaches. "Peachy, stop, baby," she pleaded, her breath coming in short gasps, but the naughty boy continued escaping.

"If I find you, I am going to kiss the hell out of you," she declared. Peaches darted around a tree and took off again, his tail wagging wildly.

Autumn ambushed and caught Peaches in a whiff, and the pup happily licked her face. Their laughter filled the air, bringing light to the moment Autumn caught Peaches in a quick embrace, and the pup happily licked her face. Their laughter filled the air, bringing a lightness to the moment.

Zyler watched them, sipping his coffee in hand, his thoughts drifting to the past and remembering how much his life had changed in these past few years. Losing his mother, reuniting with her, and then losing her again had shaped him deeply. Watching Autumn, he realized he had something precious in his life worth protecting. Her genuine and bright smile lit up his world like the warm glow of a thousand suns.

They both walked inside, smiling and giggling. "Want some water, Rielly?" Autumn grabbed a bottle and handed it to April.

"I'm good," Simultaneously, her phone lit up. She grabbed it and clicked on the notification. "In a heartening display of compassion and commitment, the Liam Hart's Heart Foundation has made significant strides in the fight against leukemia, successfully aiding over 150 children in the past year alone.

"Our mission is clear: no child needing treatment should be left behind. We believe every child deserves a fighting chance," Hart commented during the foundation's annual review meeting.

The initiative extends beyond mere medical treatment, embracing a holistic approach to support. The foundation covers the costs of medical care and ensures that the children and their families receive psychological support and counseling, which are crucial during such trying times.

"Our goal for the next year is to double the number of beneficiaries. We are continually seeking new partnerships and funding opportunities to make this a reality," Hart stated, reflecting the foundation's commitment to growth and impact.

For families dealing with the diagnosis of leukemia, the Liam Hart's Heart Foundation stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating the profound difference that dedicated support and community solidarity can make in the lives of children battling serious illnesses."

The news reporter commented. April closed the window and put the phone down. Autumn noticed that from the corner of her eye. "It's been a year, Rilley," she said, returning the bottle to the fridge.

"I don't know what you're talking about," April bluffed.

"Sure," Autumn did not want to prolong the conversation.

Over the past year, Liam had turned many lives for the better. He had helped build many foundations, helping children and adults and founding companies to better cancer and rare diseases. He had kept his word, and she hadn't seen him in one bad news.

"He changed, Atty," she sighed. He had changed a lot.

Autumn turned around and watched April walk to her.

"You do not have to justify anything to me, Rilley, if you want to be with him. You are free to do so. I think you have suffered enough not to have what you want. It is time to choose yourself," she hugged April, and April knew what to do.

Smiling, Autumn opened Zyler's office and stepped inside. He was seriously working on something. His glasses rested nicely on his nose bridge. His jaw was clenched, making it look prominent. She bit her lip, remembering their last night's events. She teased him till he begged for her.

It felt like she was on top of the world, controlling a man who thought he had control over everything—holding him in her hands, making him breathless. She enjoyed every bit of it.

She walked to him quickly, and Zyler raised his head to look at her. His face broke into a beautiful smile.

"Here," he showed his lap, and Autumn raised her brow. "Please," he begged again.

"That's more like it," as soon as she sat in his lap, he bent her over the table and spanked her.

"That's more like it, huh?" he spanked her again.

She pushed herself off the table and pushed herself onto him further, rubbing her ass on his dick.

"Baby girl," he hissed.

"Huh?" she innocently ground herself more onto him.

"Don't do this to me," he was desperately pleading.

"What if I do?" she raised her brow again, grinning.

"Then I will show you," he picked her up, and she squealed.

He threw her on the bed, straddled her back, and pushed his hand under her tummy. He thrust inside her with the force of a jackhammer, and she moaned.

"Slow down," she pleaded.

He laced his fingers inside her hair and pulled her head back. "No," he pushed inside her further. He knew she wanted it, just like he did.

He kept pounding inside her until they both were satisfied. He laid down next to her and pulled her head onto his chest. "How is April?" he kissed her fingers one after the other.

She sighed, "She wants to see him again but is worried."

"As long as she is happy, I guess," he pulled her closer.

"Yes," she stared at him but saw him close his eyes, and she fell asleep. An hour later, after a peaceful nap, she woke up. He was on his stomach, and she brushed his hair from his forehead.

The movement woke him up. "What time is it?" he asked in his groggy voice.

"4 pm," she got up, and his phone buzzed. He grabbed his phone, typing furiously as Autumn smirked. She dug her teeth into the stallion tattoo on his left buttock, and shock marred his face. Autumn giggled. "Told you, eat the rich," she knew she got in trouble. The expression on his face morphed into mischief.

She turned around and bolted, but Zyler caught her in time and began tickling her, "No, no," laughter burst into the room.

"Eat the rich, huh? I will show you," he tossed her on the bed again and spread her legs. He slowly darted down her body, and she got lost in the feral hunger in his eyes, and she knew she was in for one hell of a ride. 

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