Ch 23 A Quick Week

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"Boy am I glad that I had Midoriya do a quirk analysis on the police." Once I'm far enough away from the police station, I can't help but sigh in relief. Seriously, I just had to run into the guy with a nya-damned lie detecting quirk!?

I usually get far enough away from my crime scenes that I only have to deal with the occasional low rank hero. But there are a few times where the police have shown up before I got away. Unfortunately it's much more difficult to know what their quirks are unless they have a mutation, which has led to some precarious situations for me.

But, Midoriya being Midoriya, took it to heart when I mentioned that there were probably a ton of interesting quirks that have gone unnoticed due to the overwhelming hero publicity. And he was nice enough to let me take a look at them. They were as impressive as always.

I am so lucky I always try to avoid saying an outright lie. It definitely came in handy for dealing with that guy.

And useful too.

Detective Tsakauchi. Quirk: Lie Detector. He is a living, breathing lie detector with one hundred percent accuracy. The problem with that though, is it only works well with direct answers.

For example, I did find some cameras in his room while he was at work. There's no denying that is the truth. However, I neglected to mention that the reason I found them is because I'm the one who put them there.

I always planned to kill Paul at some point, but originally I wanted him dead after I'd already moved. Him trying to come into my room the night before made me impatient, but I suppose it doesn't matter too much.

I've hopefully deflected suspicions off of me, and ensured that they see me as a victim to Paul. Now the question is, who will I stay with? Normally I'd just stay at Himiko's place, but I wouldn't want to let anyone know about that. For obvious reasons nya~. Meruem will probably try to make me feel better about Paul being dead and go into my dreams to help me 'get through this difficult portion of my life'. But I can't risk her finding out the truth.

That would leave Midoriya. I haven't been over to his house before, but he's way too nice to refuse anyone asking for help. Much less a friend. On the other, he's absolutely going to get flustered and embarrassed...

After giving it a moment's thought, I come to my decision. Midoriya's it is, nya~.


(UA Staff Room: Two days later)

"A UA applicant's home was attacked while she was at the exam! We can't let this go unaddressed!" Vlad King's shout reverberates throughout the room, making the other staff wince.

"Is there anything we can do? For someone so large, the villain is quite hard to find." Midnight points out. "Unless someone can suddenly find his location, or why he targeted the applicant, there's not really anything we can do."

"Well..." Everyone's eyes turn to the principal, one of the smartest beings in the world. If not the smartest. Has he already figured it out? Is the collective thought of those in attendance.

"While I may not know all that," he ignores their sighs of disappointment, "I do have a plan. In fact, it's something I've been interested in implementing for a while now. I just couldn't justify the cost so it kept getting rejected."

Aizawa sighs. "Why do I get the feeling your idea is going to cause me to lose out on more sleep?"

Nezu simply sips his tea with a smirk.


(Midoriya home: Five days later)

"Sorry again for all the trouble, Missus Midori-nya." I apologize as I help her with the dishes.

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