Ch 70 The Raid Continues

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We make our way to Eri's room, but when we get there we find the door wide open and blood coating the floor. Tension rises when a quick look around reveals a lack of any bodies but a number of bullet holes scattered all over the room. But there's no hints as to whose blood it could be.

"I doubt that it's the girl's." Nighteye says while adjusting his glasses. "She's the key to all of Overhaul's plans. He wouldn't be so foolish as to kill her."

"It could be our spy's blood though," I tentatively say, worried about Himiko. "The splatters on the wall are a definite sign that she was here." I point at the long lines of blood that have dripped down the wall, clear signs that she'd fought and cut someone here. "But if she won she wouldn't have taken the body with her knowing that we're here to save Eri..."

Turn into them? Definitely. Take the body with her? No. So what really happened here? The both of us have been trained on how to deal with opponents that have guns, as uncommon as they are in Japan. But...

Could... she have been beaten?


Shin Nemoto is running through the halls of the underground base alongside Overhaul, who's carrying a cowering Eri in his arms. "Why are you carrying that bag?" Overhaul questions his right hand.

He pats the bag in question with the gun in his other hand, an industrial type meant for carrying heavy loads on a person's back and keep the contents dry in case of rain. "They're a spy I caught when I went to grab Eri. They should make decent leverage if the Bullets fail to stall the heroes long enough for us to get away."

"Hmm." He looks down at the girl in his arms with narrowed eyes. "It seems that someone has been misbehaving. We'll have to punish you when we get somewhere safe."

The girl shivers, tucking her head down to avoid looking at his cold eyes, full of the promise of pain. Nemoto looks away, his expression unreadable underneath his mask. But before they can get much farther, a man pops out of the wall in front of them with his arm extended. In his outstretched hand is Mimic, a panicked expression on his face as the man screams. "POWER!"

Mimic is slammed into the opposite wall, his eyes rolling up into his head as his body embeds into a brand new crater. The man turns to the two villains, a wide smile on his face. "Hi there, I'm Lemillion! And I'll be taking Eri away from you now."

He vanishes through the floor, putting the villains on guard, warily looking around for him to appear. Overhaul has one hand extended, ready to disassemble him the moment he pops out. Nemoto has his gun held by his side, though whether or not it has a quirk-erasing bullet is unknown.

Despite their caution, they're taken by surprise when Lemillion shoots out of the wall with a closed fist leading the way to Overhaul's face. But he's not the leader of the yakuza for nothing. His hand shoots up, ready to meet him and eliminate the threat. But the hero passes through it like it's not even there, along with Eri and the man himself.

"Whoopsie! Missed me, missed you, misses all around!" Lemillion shouts as he vanishes into the opposite wall.

Overhaul clicks his tongue before giving Nemoto a look. Understanding, he presses the gun against one end of the bag. "Now, now, hero. You wouldn't want one of your people to lose their life, just because you didn't know when to go on your way."

The hero's head pops out of the floor at Overhaul's feet, who tries to kick him only for his foot to pass right through. "That's not a person, it's a bag!" He vanishes again, a few seconds later shooting out of the floor a few feet in the direction they were heading and taking a stance.

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