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"So what do mew want to do?" I ask Eri after class. I don't really have anything to do other than avoiding talking to anyone about what Himiko said. Nearby is Aizawa, since he can't be far from Eri in case her quirk acts up. She shoots him a brief look before gesturing for me to lean down. Amused, I smile as I do so, tilting my head so my ears are closer.

Which...turns out to have been a very good decision. She leans in and cups her hands around her mouth in that way kids who aren't, try to be sneaky with their words. "Big Sis gave me a present to give to you! But she said not to tell anyone else because it's such a good present that they'll want it too!"

Well. That's concerning for a variety of reasons.

I don't let my smile drop as I pat her on the head. "That's a good kitten, Eri. How about we go out somewhere and mew can give it to me then, nya?"

She nods happily and I look over to Aizawa as I ask if we could get her frozen yogurt. For a moment it looks like he's going to refuse, but her heartbreaking question of what frozen yogurt is -followed by a long explanation from Midorinya that delves into all the different versions of ice cream- has him agreeing. And of course, hearing that, some of our class can't resist but coming along themselves.

So it is that a group consisting of Aizawa, Eri, Minya, Tormew, Midorinya, Momo, Kirishima, Tsu, and Purrny (who I picked up from her class on the way), and myself walk into a popular frozen yogurt place while still in our school uniforms. Not that we didn't want to change out of them, but Aizawa said that he wouldn't enable us 'in time wasting endeavors'.

Which is why we're getting stared at by a bunch of the other customers. Though, admittedly, most of their focus is on the litter-show of Kirishima doing his best to talk with Minya and her trying to think of any excuse possible to talk to anyone else.

"Hey Yaomomo, how many different versions of earplugs can you make?"

"Umm..." She looks between Minya and Kirishima uncertainly, deciding not to get involved and instead turning to talk with Midorinya about what she should learn about to make next.

"Mina... come on. I've been trying to apologize!"

"Hey Tsu, why tie your hair in a bow instead of just cutting it shorter? It can't be easy to take care of like that."

"Do you want me to change my hairstyle!? If that's what it takes to make it up to you, I'll do it!"

"It's not as hard as you think. Mainly it just takes patience to make sure you brush it properly. As long as you do that everything else comes easy."

"Tsu, can you please not just accept her ignoring me so casually? Well, the way you always keep your composure is super manly, but still!"

"<Look Kirishima and speaks soomthinks. Laugh please!>" Kirishima isn't bad at English, exactly, but he does have to mentally prepare to properly understand it.

Normally Purrny isn't the type to bully someone. But two factors contribute to her decision to play along. One: her, Minya, Tormew, and I are friends! Second: we told her about the situation and she completely agrees that he's in the wrong.

She looks at him for a moment before looking back at Minya and laughing. "<I really like the toppings I got!>"

Minya starts laughing too, and I don't know what Kirishima is thinking they said, but his face is starting to match his hair. I chuckle at their antics. Minya has admitted to me that she's not that mad at him anymore, but enjoys seeing him beg for forgiveness. And I have to say, hearing that from her and seeing how easily she teases him causes a smug feeling to rise inside me. Before it can get to the point that I join in though, I look down and see Eri tugging at my sleeve as she points towards the restroom. Nodding my head, I get up and excuse ourselves, chuckling as Tormew manages to steal one of Aizawa's chocolate toppings only to gag once she finds out it's actually coffee flavored. Once we're there, out of sight of the others, she hands me the 'present' Himiko gave her.

MHA: A Cat's WayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora