Ch 40 Hello LOV

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Whirling around, Mr. Aizawa's eyes widen as he sees people walking out of the apparent portal. "Cool! They even have fake villains!"

At Kirishima's shout, Mr. Aizawa throws out his hand to stop the few students that have taken a step forward. "Stop! Those are real villains!"

"Are you sure about that, nya?" At my question, he looks at me with an incredulous look.

"Of course I'm sure. This was supposed to be rescue training, not a combat scenario." By this point people have stopped coming out of the portal.

"Well, purrhaps Nezu wanted them to be a surprise? Isn't that the kind of thing he'd mew?"

That causes both Mr. Aizawa and Thirteen to pause as they start thinking. On one hand, the day was supposed to get the students rescue training. On the other, it is absolutely like Nezu to surprise everyone by including fake villains in a heroics lesson. Aizawa has done it himself to teach his students to expect the unexpected. But the aura they give off...

"No." Mr. Aizawa shakes his head. "If Nezu wanted to include villains in the day's lesson, he would have mentioned it." He lowers his goggles and grips his scarf, preparing himself for combat. Only to pause at my next words.

"But then wouldn't nya-larms be going off? So many villains being able to break into UA is a bite..." I trail off, not really needing to say anything else. But Todoroki decides to counter my argument.

"They could have someone who's quirk is masking their presence here." I flick my ears in acknowledgement of the possibility as he continues. "Whatever their plan, they must have a concrete objective in mind."

By this point the class is split on believing whether or not they're real villains or a surprise by Nezu. But that doesn't matter to our teacher.

"Regardless of whether or not this is something Nezu cooked up, until we have confirmation either way this is an emergency situation. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school. I'll deal with the villains while Thirteen protects you all."

While Kaminari does as he asks, I shrug my shoulders and summon five mage cats. "Well if that's how it's going to nya, might as well give you some support." He spares a glance in my direction before nodding in appreciation.

As my cats line up at the top of the stairs, he jumps down as Midorinya tries to lecture him about how he's not suited to fighting groups of enemies. I guess he hasn't learned this yet, despite having a variety of gloves for different situations. "A hero isn't any good if they only have one set of claws."

At his look of confusion, I use my tail to point at our teacher, who's absolutely beating the ever-loving nya out of the villains/possible actors. Well, the more he beats down, the more I'm thinking that they're actual villains. Actors wouldn't have signed up to fight an actual hero.

And that's not even counting my mage cats who are raining hairballs down on them. I can see that they've knocked a few people out themselves by concentrating their fire.

"Catia, this is no time to be admiring your work! We have to go!" Looking over my shoulder, I see that the rest of the class besides Midorinya, who's watching next to me, are already halfway to the door. Tapping him on the arm to get his attention, we make our way over as well.

But before we can reach it, a dark portal opens up on the floor, forcing us to stop. From it rises a smokestack made of the same material, with slanted glowing yellow eyes.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. We are the League of Villains." They introduce their organization. "I know that is impolite, but we have decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say hello-" I interrupt before he can continue.

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