Ch 27 Meeting the Class

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With everyone settled for now, we find ourselves in the living room with pizza boxes stacked on the table. I made sure to order enough for everyone, and made sure that everyone would have an option. Cheese, pepperoni, and meatlovers. I thought about getting at least one vegetarian styled pizza, but people who don't eat meat deserve to suffer.

After a round of introductions that consisted of names, quirks, likes and dislikes, we get down to really getting to know each other. "So Catia," Mina starts, "why did you get to live at the dorms before us?"

Midorinya gets nervous at her question since he knows the whole situation. Well, as far as anyone other than me knows that is. "I-I don't think that's something she would be comfortable talking abou-"

"Oh, the guy who adopted me got clawed apart," I interrupt him, speaking casually. "Whole reason we're in the same territory nyaw."

The sudden silence is deafening as everyone processes my words. The only exceptions are myself, seeing as I'm the one who orchestrated his death, and Midorinya, who already knew.

As I take another bite of meaty goodness, Yaoyorozu speaks up. "Pardon me, but did you just say your father getting killed is the reason the dorms were put in place?"

I tilt my head as my ears twitch. "Nya? No?" They all give sighs of relief before stiffening up at my next words. "I said the tom who adopted me was killed. My dad died when nyai was three."

There's silence for a few minutes as they give me looks of pity, though thankfully nobody offers condolences for either of them. I've had enough of that for my dad, and Paul doesn't deserve the breath it would take.

Trying to dispel the awkwardness that's gathered, Asui asks the next question. "So, are your nyas like my kero, kero?"

It takes a moment, but then I realize what she's talking about. "Oh yeah! I do nya, nya! Sometimes I furget."

She puts her finger on her cheek as she looks at me with her head tilted, so Midorinya explains. "It wasn't originally a part of her quirk, but it's sort of become so due to an outside element."


He sighs. "Catnip. When she chews on catnip, she becomes more cat-like. What's interesting is that she doesn't notice the changes: to her it's like they've always been there. You have no idea how long it took to get her to be even halfway aware of it. Let's not even mention how we've basically had her blacklisted from buying any at pet stores..."

He devolves into muttering about the problems I've caused due to catnip, causing me to roll my eyes. It's not like I'm addicted to it or anything. But not only does it taste amazing, it also boosts my quirk, and my instincts while it's affecting me. At least when it's solid. When it gets smoked and I smell it, I basically become the laziest person in the world.

Still though, if I was addicted, I would be trying to get it all the time. But I don't! Sure, when Nyamuri gave it to me last time I ate it right away, but that was a gift! Plus it let me showcase my condition to the school, which could be helpful down the line. But other than that and the first time I had some, I only eat catnip when I'm in a tough fight. So. Not addicted!

It's like how you eat at an expensive restaurant and really like it. You don't go there everyday, or even every week. Instead, it's like a special occasion once a month.

"Anyaways, who's next?" I look around, my eyes focusing on Bakugou, aka, Shouty McShouterton, who's scowling at Midorinya. Who's still muttering. Glancing at the clock, I see that it's been one minute. Nowhere close to his record of five minutes, but not bad considering it's not about a quirk.

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