Ch 42 Plus Ultra

626 37 0

(Mina POV)

Stuck in the conflagration zone with Ojiro, things are kiiinda getting serious.

"I know I'm hot, but this is getting ridiculous!"

The villain in front of us snickers as he manipulates the flames around us, ensuring that nobody can escape. "If you've still got enough breath for jokes, then you've got enough breath to scream!"

He gestures towards us, and we barely scramble out of the way of the flame shooting out from behind him. His allies that were edging closer behind us aren't so lucky.

"Looks like you're getting those screams you wanted." I snark, and Ojiro looks at me with a horrified and pale face as the other villains send Pyro wary looks. But he just snorts.

"If they weren't in the way, they wouldn't have gotten fired."

"Hmm. Yeah~, pretty sure that's just you having crap aim." I throw my hand forward, launching a blob of acid that lands on his leg, causing him to curse as he tries to shake it off.

"That's how you aim." While he's distracted, I excrete acid from my feet and slide towards him, gaining speed while Ojiro launches himself at one of the others, spinning around to whip them with his tail.

Hah! Ojiro used tail whip. And... it's super effective! I snicker as the villain gets launched into another, knocking both of them out. Good thing he didn't hit them too hard, or else they would have gotten launched into the fire! Too bad the guy controlling it can't say the same~.

"Hup!" Once I'm close enough, I jump and dropkick him right in the chest! He gets sent flying backwards while the acid from my feet quickly eats through his shirt and starts in on his chest. That's definitely going to leave a mark.

Not that anyone will be able to tell, because when he gets sent through the fire, it comes into contact with my acid and ignites. The unexpected explosion throws off my landing, making me land on my ass. And the villain that was standing next to Pyro takes advantage and kicks me with a stone covered leg.

Luckily he aimed for my chest and not my head, and other than an internal *crack* when I get launched back I'm not too hurt. A glance over at Ojiro while I hold my chest has me thinking that he isn't as lucky.

One of the villains smoking a cigarette has him wrapped in smoke that seems like it's restraining him, giving the other villains free reign to beat him to their heart's content.

With wide eyes, I realize that things have gotten serious. "I can't hold back." I wheeze out to myself. As I struggle to my feet, I look towards the villain I'd sent flying, and my eyes widen to see-

I shake my head and focus on the villain in front of me, putting the cor- the unconscious villain out of my mind. Right now I need to be prepared to go all out against the stone covered villain approaching me, his face hidden behind his quirk.

"Aww... does the little girl's chest hurt?" He smashed his fist into an open palm. "Once we're done with you, you'll be wishing that's all that hurts."

I glare at him, throwing my hand out to throw another glob of acid without letting my other arm fall from my chest. He just takes it, confident that the stone will protect him.

I smirk when he starts screaming, my acid slipping through the cracks. That should keep him out of the rest of the fight.

I turn around and see Ojiro drop to the ground, released from Smokey's quirk. My eyes widen seeing how beaten up he is, and I grit my teeth as I glare at the villains who now have their eyes on me.

As my body starts getting covered in a layer of my most potent acid, Stoner's screaming dies down and my heart skips a beat. He passed out from the pain. He's just unconscious. He'll be fine after he gets taken to the hospital. I haven't- I take a deep breath, trying to calm the panicked beating of my heart. I lock my negative emotions in a little box in my mind to deal with later and smirk at them. "You all are about to get a really bad acid trip."

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