Ch 78 The Obstacle Race

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I stretch my arms above me as I wait for them to call the start to the event, letting my eyes wander over the crowd of excited students. I'm more towards the front along with most of the hero course. Guess it's a privilege of being considered 'higher value' in today's society?

But the position doesn't matter. I'll win either way. The question, is how?

I could Cat Up with a brawler to let me speed through it. But that runs the risk of someone possibly recognizing me from the Masquerade. With how the entire festival is nationally televised, it might not be worth the risk. But then again, most people would probably brush it off as just something similar, instead of the same quirk.

Still, it would be the easiest way to win. And it's not like the first years really get as much attention as the others until the tournament portion of the festival. Which is perfectly understandable. Why watch the ones who've barely had time to train versus those close to making their debut? It's the tournament that shows you who the stars are, and who'll be most likely to make an impact in the future.

But for me, simply winning isn't enough. I want to have fun~. So...

I grin when I see Midorinya's new friend, Aizawa's secret love child. At least according to Todoroki's theory notebook. Ooohh. Maybe the reason he was so grumpy is because he realized it was missing? I'll admit to forgetting to put it back after he left it out. But in my defense, he analyzes other people as much as Midorinya analyzes quirks! His notes on Uraraka's parents secretly being part of a criminal organization due to how she's always talking about being broke despite being able to pay for the steep tuition almost had me convinced! And that's not even mentioning Fatgum being closely related to Momo!

I shake my head to dislodge the theories, instead focusing on the here and now as I peer at the faces around...what was his name? Shinpo? Shinglow? Shine-low? Whatever it is, my grin morphs into a smirk as I see my scapego- *cough* minion nearby. Making eye contact with her, I flick my tail in a motion for her to join me as I approach the tired looking boy. He raises an eyebrow, but otherwise doesn't change expression.

I launch into my pitch right away. "I can boost your catabilities quite easily, and all you'll have to do is carry meow to first. Second and third good fur the two of mew?"

He hums while the kitten dips her head in deference. It's good that she hasn't gotten complacent in the time we've been separated. "How strong are you talking about?"

I just smile.


The buzzer sounds, and Midnight calls for the event to begin! Immediately the first obstacle becomes apparent. Everyone is stuck in the doorway leading out of the tunnel! Of course, Todoroki just has to make it even more difficult by trapping most of the other students in ice. It's enough to hinder the other courses, but our class easily sees it coming and bursts through after him.

As do my temporary clanmates.

"WHOA! Eraserhead, what's your student doing!?" Present Mic shouts over the microphone.

"Telling the staff that we haven't seen all she can do." I can perfectly picture how his eyes are narrowing in on me. Which is fair because I've never shown anyone that I can do this, not even Coach or Himi.

Because this is the first time I've done it.

Shinpo is in the front, hooking his arms with Kitten's behind me as we speed across the icy path, carrying me between them as I hold onto Shinpo's shoulders to steady myself. My tail is wrapped lightly around Kitten's neck so that I won't lose contact with her, which adds another layer of difficulty to keeping my concentration going. And what exactly am I doing that requires so much concentration?

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