Ch 49 Lying with Truth

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"I'm still hungrrry."

Across from me, Detective Tsukauchi sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "You realize that Mirko taking you out to eat instead of straight to a police station is a gross breach of protocol, correct?"

I shrug, crossing my arms. "Nyat my problem. I was purromised food, and she delivered. Mew guys are the ones who interrupted."

He sighs again, opening the file in front of him. "Let's just get this over with." He clears his throat. "What is the name of the organization that you were taken by?"

"The Cult of Nya." I respond promptly.

He raises an eyebrow. "Was it not the League of Villains that attacked the USJ?"

I nod. "That is currect, nya."

"Did the Cult of Nya and the League of Villains work together to orchestrate this attack?" His tone is becoming more serious with each question. Luckily he hasn't started any of the more difficult questions yet. But I can't let my guard down.


My response this time has him blinking in confusion. "The Cult of Nya and the League of Villains didn't orchestrate the attack?"


His eyes narrow. "Who orchestrated the attack?"

"The League of Villains. The Cult of Nya were tagalongs."

And he's back to being confused. "What do you mean by 'tagalongs'?"

I shrug. "Exactly that, nya? They heard about the attack, then met up and joined in with the thugs, nya."

"From Eraserhead's report, the one who seemed to be in charge of the Cult was familiar with the leader of the League. If they didn't orchestrate the attack together, how would that be explained?"

"Iroha introduced herself to him as the leader of the Cult of Nya. She claimed that it would be rude nyat to."

Which is true on both accounts: Both that it would be rude to show up to their operation without introducing her own, as well as that she claimed that was the reason she did it. She did say it to me, after all. Whether or not her words are true doesn't affect if mine are~.

Which ties into his next question nicely, even if he's frowning as he asks. "How did you come by this information?"

Shrugging is getting old, so this time I roll my eyes while gesturing to my ears. "I asked, nya course. The Cult of Nya revolves around cats. If I ask them questions, I'll get answers, nya."

He nods, and I can't help but note that he doesn't seem overly surprised by this. Did the Cult not kill Mineta? If they didn't I'd be surprised. They're really aggressive against people who 'have blasphemed against the Goddess', as they say.

"Do you know why they kidnapped you? There were no other instances of this occurring, even with students who have more powerful quirks."

My ear twitches at that bold claim. It's safe to say that in both power and versatility my quirk is nearly unrivaled. Especially since I need my cats to hold back during training so they don't kill anyone. That's not even counting my own combat potential! Some of my annoyance leaks into my voice, but there's nothing I can do after the fact except hope they dismiss it.

"They weren't trying to recruit me-ow anything. They just didn't want me getting hurt, nya."

The corners of his lips twitch and his eyes narrow just a fraction. I'd have missed the signs if I wasn't on guard. I messed up. But how? And how bad is it?

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