Ch 48 Rabbit and Cat

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I grin as I head to the location sent to my phone. Obviously, being a hero, I keep my work phone separate from my personal phone. Not that I ever really use my personal phone for anything other than trying to find the hottest new fight circuit.

Well, I guess part of that is work, given that the HPSC wants me to keep an eye out for anyone with a powerful quirk and an inclination to make sure the public knows it. Sure, I can't arrest them until they actually do anything, but I can definitely put them into a full-body cast for a few months to delay them. It's a pain when dealing with the fighting circuits the HPSC secretly endorses, but I can't complain too much given how many good fights I can get out of it~!

Or at least, that should be the case. After finally finding and making my way through the Underground Masquerade, I'd kicked my way to the top of the brackets and managed to qualify to fight their top fighters. Remembering the condition I'd left most of those 'top fighters' in, I scoff. Really, they're all just a bunch of small fries. I didn't even get to use any of my disguise's special moves!

Yesterday I finally got sick of all the weaklings I've been fighting and confronted the organizers. Apparently, their two best fighters have been 'unavailable' for at least a month! Number two told them that it was for 'personal reasons', and their number one got recruited by some organization or something that requires a full time commitment. I very nearly put the organizer through the floor for not telling me any of that before.

I actually did put him through the floor when he told me that until one of the two get back, I'm basically a placeholder for their champion which is why I've been fighting so many small fry! I AM NO PLACEHOLDER!!!

I breathe deeply, letting it out slowly as I pause on a rooftop. After confirming that I'm almost to where the location for the SOS originated from, I set off again, putting more force into my jumps.

Anyways, normally the Underground Masquerade would have given the title of 'champion' to their third-place holder, but apparently they're the type who only occasionally shows up. They're too free to be tied down like that, which I can respect. Live life like there's no tomorrow so that when your time's up, you can check out with no regrets! That's my motto!

Still though, even if I am annoyed by the fact that I haven't gotten any good fights from there, the information about their champion getting recruited was very welcome by the HPSC. They hate the fact that the Masquerade won't give out any of their Big Three's information, so anytime they slip up they always get excited. Honestly it's kind of nasty. Though once they calmed down they started panicking about such a strong fighter getting recruited. Figuring out where he went is someone else's job though, not mine.

My job is to kick the shit out of people, which is why this SOS has my fighting spirit fired up. Oh, sure, requests for help are common, but those are usually minor things, something along the lines of: 'my quirk doesn't work well against this villain'. Bunch of pansies... If your quirk doesn't work, then just beat them down the old fashioned way! But an SOS is different though...those are where things get exciting!

Part of a hero's duties are being a stabilizing force for the public, so having a serious call for help is heavily discouraged. Which means when someone sends out an SOS...

A savage smile stretches across my face as I land in front of the large metal doors leading into a warehouse. "It means," I crouch to put more power in my legs before launching myself forward with one leg extended. "I'm going to get a great fight!" With a thud, my foot hits the doors, and they fly open, hitting the walls.

I land, all my senses focused to their limit as I scan the dimly lit building to find my opponent. I have one hand on the ground as a stabilizer, and the other held out for balance. My legs are tense, ready to launch me away from an attack coming from any direction. I'm ready to deal with anything as the outside light reveals what's inside the building.

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