The Nash Trauma

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"Hey, Bobby!" Chimney walked down the stairs looking at his phone.

"So, that guy in Australia, you know, the one with the same blood makeup as you, says here, in 1999, he was awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for saving those kids. And what would be our equivalent? It's got to be the Presidential Medal of Freedom, right? We should, like, totally put you up for one of those, you know? I mean, like, at some point." Chimney walked into the work out room as Bobby lifted weights.

"I gave some blood, Chim. It doesn't merit a medal. All right? Let's just drop it." Bobby glanced over at Chimney.

"Drop it? It's the Presidential Medal of...All right. You want to tell me what's chafing you?" Chimney followed Bobby to the lockers.

"Look, I get it. You don't like needles. But you're a lifesaver, that's what you do. You're a hero, man. And somebody just told you you have the opportunity to save thousands, maybe millions of kids." Chimney watched Bobby as Y/N looked over from the top of the stairs.

"They're the wrong kids! I want my kids! Yeah, I'm some lifesaver, aren't I? That's what I was put on this Earth to do, but I couldn't save my family. Couldn't protect them from me. A hundred and forty eight. That's the number of lives that I owe for the mistakes that I made. And once I pay that debt, I get to be with them again. And I was halfway there, Chim. I was halfway there. I was going to see my kids again. That was the deal." Bobby walked over, standing infront of Chimney.

"Deal with who, Bobby?" Chimney frowned confused.

"The deal I made with God." Bobby sat down.

"I don't think it's Good you made a deal with, Cap..." Chimney watched him.

"And then I got that phone call about my blood test, and I thought, Here we go. Here it is. Here's my punishment: cancer. After all the prayers I sent up there, so I could live long enough..." Bobby put his head in his hands, trying to hold back tears.

"You're not talking about killing yourself, are you?" Chimney's face fell.

"Yeah. I want out. I want to see my kids again. And I want this pain to end, but it's not gonna end. It's never gonna end. Cause God's not punishing me by killing me. He's punishing me by forcing me to stay alive." Bobby looked at Chimney.

"What about Y/N? She's your daughter, too." Chimney watched Bobby regretfully.

"Every time I look at her, it kills me, because every single time, I see my wife and I see my kids." Bobby got up going to leave.

"Wait, wait, Bobby. Bobby." Chimney exhaled watching Bobby leave the room.

Chimney glanced up at the top of the stairs, just in time to see Y/N turn away, making him sigh.

"Y/N!" Chimney jogged up the stairs.

"I'm fine, Chimney." Y/N kept walking.

"I'm not sure that you are." Chimney fell into step beside her.

"Look, my Dad and I, we both lost a lot that day. The only difference is, that he lost himself, as well." Y/N stopped and looked at Chimney.

"You were a kid. You lost your brother, sister and your Mum." Chimney watched her expectantly.

"Yeah, I did, but I didn't have a good relationship with my Mum. And I know they're in a better place. Besides, it's not like I can change what happened, now. Why dwell on it?" Y/N continued walking away.

"Bobby loves you, you know?" Chimney watched after her.

"Yeah." Y/N dropped her gaze to the ground.

A Phoenix Rises From Ashes (A 9•1•1 Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum