S5: E14 Dumb Luck

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"So, what do you want to do today? Sleep? Go for a walk?" Y/N started listing things as she sat down next to Eddie.

"I just want to hold you close." Eddie watched her.

"Okay, we can do that." Y/N gave a smile.

"What are you doing?" Henry smiled at them.

"Kids are up." Eddie sighed getting to his feet.

"Come on, let's get you breakfast." Y/N picked Henry up.

"And breakfast is served." Eddie placed bowls down infront of the kids and Y/N.

"Thank you." Christopher smiled.

"Thank you Daddy!" Eva smiled at him.

"May I offer you a glass of water or orange juice?" Eddie bowed slightly.

"Orange juice please." Christopher looked at Y/N who smiled.

"Right away, sir." Eddie went to the fridge.

"Juice! Juice!" Eva jumped up and down in her chair watching Christopher.

"Can I have water?" Henry looked at Y/N, resting his head on the table.

"Are you not feeling well?" Y/N frowned at Henry getting him a glass of water.

Y/N watched Eddie mess around with the kids, getting food all over his face.

"What happened to your leg?" Christopher looked at Eddie's leg.

"I think I'm dying." Eddie fell to the floor with gunshot wound to his chest.

"You're always dying." Christopher kept eating as the twins got loud.

"Edmundo." Y/N shook him awake on the couch.

"Coffee?" Bobby walked into the room.

"What time is it? Where's Christopher?" Eddie sat up.

"Buck already took him to school. Figured you could use the sleep and Fi didn't want to leave you alone." Bobby reassured Eddie.

"Hey, hey, hey, it's alright. We got it handled. After our family died, I had nightmares for a long time. They say it's your minds way of working through a traumatic experience." Bobby watched as Y/N went to the kitchen before speaking.

"Kinda wish my mind would take a break for a minute." Eddie looked away.

"It won't. Buck told me about your friends, I'm very sorry." Bobby looked at Eddie.

"I can't believe they're all gone. And I'm still here. I'm not sure why." Eddie watched Bobby.

"That is a question you'll never be able to answer. You can chalk it up to the grand plan of some higher power or just dumb luck. But either way, the result is the same, you are still here." Bobby reassured Eddie.

"I'm not sure what to do with that." Eddie glanced at Bobby.

"You find a way to heal. Fi is here to help you or even just be here no matter what." Bobby smiled at Eddie as Y/N returned sitting next to Eddie.

* On Scene A Couple Days Later *

They'd just finished up at the scene of a Bowling Alley, when Hen and Y/N stopped hearing a metallic banging.

"Hen, Fi, you ready to go?" Bobby watched them with a confused frown.

"Yeah, Cap. We're coming." Hen headed to the engine.

"You hear it too right?" Y/N looked at Hen as it continued.

"Yeah, I do." Hen slowly walked over to the donation bins.

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