S6: E5 Home Invasion

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"We responded to a home invasion in progress. Found the home owner unconscious." Athena greeted them as they arrived.

"And the invaders?" Bobby looked ahead at the house.

"House is clear." Athena reassured them.

"No sign of forced entry." Buck glanced at Athena.

"Just some spilled food in the kitchen. Dispatch said that she called from upstairs, spotted the intruder in the kitchen and ran. She took one hell of a tumble. She's breathing but she's unresponsive." Athena watched Eddie check on the victim.

Buck kept asking Athena questions as the woman woke up in a panic and damaged her pelvis making them all wince.

"Yeah, so, about the invaders.." Y/N looked at Bobby.

"It was a monster." The woman looked at Athena.

Y/N followed Buck into the kitchen as he played detective, trying to not laugh, having an idea who the invader was.
Buck opened the pantry and his face fell at the sight of the invader snacking on food.

"This is Buckley, I've apprehended the suspect." Buck spoke into his radio as Y/N smiled.

Buck turned around but yelped at Athena jump scaring him and Y/N burst out laughing.

"Careful, Buckley. You could break a hip." Athena shook her head trying not to laugh from Y/N's laughing.

"Hey, Dad. At least the invader is cute." Y/N smiled as Bobby walked into the room.

"What?" Bobby frowned at her confused and Buck opened the pantry door.

"Hey, little guy. You want some chips?" Y/N poured some chips onto her hand, holding it out to the raccoon.

The raccoon carefully began to eat off her hand, and Y/N picked it up, allowing it to eat from the bag.

"Fi, put it down." Bobby gave her a look as he took a step back.

"Hold on. First, I gotta ask Edmundo.." Y/N looked at Bobby.

"Eddie, your wife wants to know if you guys can have a pet raccoon." Buck watched Y/N as he spoke into the radio.

"Why does that not surprise me? Tell her no." Eddie clicked his tongue.

"There you go. Put it down." Bobby watched Y/N.





"But it's so cute!"

"Put it down, that's an order. Let animal control deal with it."

Buck and Athena watched the two go back and forth with amused smiles.

"Can I at least name it?" Y/N looked at Bobby.

"Sure." Bobby threw his hands up in exasperation.

"Yay! I have to go now, but you keep eating as much as you want, my little Buck." Y/N put the raccoon down.

"You're kidding." Buck frowned at her as Athena and Bobby laughed.

* Back At The Station *

"What's going on?" Eddie walked up the stairs as Buck and Bobby watched Y/N, talking quietly.

"Fi's mad that we didn't let her keep the raccoon." Buck looked at Eddie.

"Oh, come on. Seriously, mi amor?" Eddie looked at Y/N with a laugh.

"Nice try. But she's still mad about little Buck." Bobby reassured Eddie.

"Wow. Little Buck? You let her name it?" Eddie frowned at them.

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