S5: E12 Boston

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Extremely Short Chapter Because This Episode focuses on Maddie and Chimney reuniting.
I did add a couple of things, regarding what the others are doing back in LA.

Y/N had been awake for a while, it was 2am, which meant Eddie and the kids were still asleep.
Y/N was sitting at the table when she heard Eva coughing and wheezing from her room.

"Hey, baby." Y/N walked over to Eva quietly, putting her hand on her forehead.

"I feel icky." Eva looked at Y/N with shallow breathing.

Y/N grabbed her phone from the table as she rushed into hers and Eddie's room.

"Edmundo." Y/N shook him gently.

"What's wrong?" Eddie sterned with a concerned frown.

"It's Eva." Y/N watched him get up quickly.

* At The Grant Residence *

"Mum! Bobby!" May walked into the house, flicking the lights on.

"May? What are you doing here this early?" Athena walked out of her bedroom with a frown, Bobby wasn't far behind.

"Fi called. They had to take Eva to the emergency room. I told her I'd let you know." May looked at them.

"Did she say what was wrong?" Bobby frowned concerned.

"No, she was in a rush." May shook her head.

* At The Hospital *

"Eddie!" Athena saw him, pulling Bobby and May with her.

"The doctors are running some tests." Eddie looked at them as Bobby hugged him.

"Buck took Fi for a walk. So she doesn't lose her mind with worry." Hen watched them.

* With Y/N and Buck *

"Fi, she's going to be okay." Buck reassured her.

"I know. It's normal for kids to get sick." Y/N nodded to herself.

"Hey, you two. Bobby, Athena and May are here." Hen walked over to them.

"Can you make a child sick? Like, by having negative emotions and.." Y/N looked between Hen and Buck.

"Fi, you didn't make her sick, trust me. You're an amazing person and an amazing Mum. Okay?" Hen put her hand on Y/N's shoulder.

"I'm sure Denny's been sick before, right?" Buck looked at Hen.

"Plenty of times. Fi, children get sick a lot, because their immune systems are still developing. I know Karen and I thought we did something wrong the first few times that Denny got sick, but he was fine. I'm sure, Eddie knows that too. I'm sure Christopher has been sick like this before. I mean, Eddie's not worrying too much, I'm not worrying, and we're trained paramedics." Hen comforted Y/N.

"Fi! Eva is going to be okay, the doctor said it's just pneumonia, and she's received early treatment. She's going to be fine. Eddie and Bobby are in with her now." Athena made her way over, having been looking for her.

* With Maddie and Chimney *

"Eli said you would be here. He was right." Maddie walked over to Chimney.

"He usually is. It's one of his more annoying traits. But actually, this time, he was wrong. You see, all those days that I spent sitting right here on this bench convinced you would walk out those doors. He said I was crazy, and here you are." Chimney looked at Maddie.

"I know that you must have a lot of questions." Maddie nodded her head in understanding.

"I know why you left Maddie. Still not sure why you stayed away." Chimney watched her.

"Because I didn't think I'd ever get better. And it didn't feel safe to be around any of you." Maddie frowned at him.

"What happened with Jee Yun in the bathtub, that was an accident." Chimney looked at her in disbelief.

"But trying to kill myself wasn't." Maddie looked at him, with pain in her eyes.

"You what?" Chimney frowned with tears in his eyes.

"When I dropped her off at the firehouse, I thought, that's it. She's safe. So, I drove up the coast, I found a beach, and I walked into the ocean. My head was so full of all the mistakes I have made in my life and I just thought everyone would be better off without me. Sad at first, yeah, but that would fade. And Jee she's so young, she wouldn't even remember me as her Mummy. I.." Maddie looked away from Chimney.

"How could you even think that?" Chimney watched her.

"That's what Fi said when I told her." Maddie couldn't look at him.

"Maddie, if you died, I would never..." Chimney looked at the ground.

"Never forgive yourself. I got out of the ocean for you. For both of you. But I had to stay here to learn to stop running." Maddie started crying.

"Maddie. I would have done anything to help you, I'd beat myself up everyday that I didn't do more." Chimney turned back to her.

"I'm so sorry. For everything that I have put you through." Maddie watched him apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't there for you." Chimney countered.

"You were there." Maddie reassured him.

"Not enough. I blame myself for you leaving, for missing the warning signs. Or maybe ignoring them. I just wanted for you so badly to be okay, I just...pretended that you were okay." Chimney dismissed her words.

"I think I did too for a while." Maddie wiped her tears.

"I guess we both spent too much time hiding from the truth, I don't want to do that anymore." Chimney rubbed his eyes free of tears.

"Me either. No more pretending. From now on, let's just be honest about how we feel. And what we want." Maddie nodded.

"Okay. What do you want?" Chimney smiled at Maddie.

* Back In LA *

"So, why is Lucky dressed as a leprechaun?" Buck looked at the Dalmatian as they had a barbecue at Bobby's and Athena's.

"Because it's St Patrick's Day, Buck." Bobby gave him a look to say duh.

"Yeah, I know that, but why is Lucky dressed as a leprechaun?" Buck asked his question again.

"Have you never heard of Lucky the Leprechaun?" Y/N looked at Buck offended.

"You mean the Mascot of Lucky Charms cereal?" Buck gave her a confused look.

"Oh, so you do know it." Eddie chuckled at Buck.

"You dressed poor Lucky up, because of a cereal?" Buck shook his head.

"Lucky Charms is the best cereal." Christopher looked at Buck.

"That is cruel." Buck gave Eddie and Y/N a joking glare.

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