S5: E16 May Day

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"Eddie!" Bobby looked at him as  further.

"Hey, you okay?" Y/N hugged Eddie.

"Yeah, yeah." Eddie put his hand on the back of her head looking at the building.

Bobby began ordering them all around, and he watched Y/N wander around looking at the people evacuated so far.

"Come on, May. Where are you?" Y/N looked around, talking to herself.

"Captain Nash, my people are initialising our disaster protocols. Which means, we're gonna need help turning that parking lot into a mobile dispatch Centre, so that we can keep taking calls." Sue looked at Bobby as she was escorted outside.

Y/N was barely focusing on the conversation, looking for any sign that May had gotten outside safely, but she hadn't found any so far and she was starting to worry.

"You said senior dispatchers, so May has been evacuated?" Bobby watched Sue.

"She's still up there?" Eddie frowned as Y/N looked over alarmed.

"I put her in the quiet room with Claudette. I am so sorry, with all this craziness, I forgot." Sue frowned in panic.

"Where is this quiet room?" Bobby glanced at Y/N.

"It was on the third floor, behind the main dispatch." Sue looked at the building.

"Eddie get some turnouts. Fi." Bobby turned to Y/N.

"Right behind you, Dad." Y/N gave him a nod as they got ready.

* With May *

"Something's wrong. Something's very wrong." May got to her feet.

"Claudette get back." May pulled her inside after they saw the raging fire surrounding the hallways.

"I don't like fire. I don't like fire." Claudette started to panic.

* With Y/N *

"So, what does family history mean?" Lucy looked at Y/N as Bobby led the way.

"I don't have time to explain my life story." Y/N gave her a glare.

"Why don't you like me?" Lucy frowned.

"Would you stop talking so we can focus on finding May and Claudette?" Y/N tried to keep her calm.

"Fi." Bobby glanced back at her.

"I'm not sharing our life story with someone that I don't know." Y/N shook her head.

Bobby stopped looking at th hallway, that was on fire and burning.

"Cap, what's the plan? Cap?" Lucy looked at Bobby.

"Dad! We're at dispatch! In LA. We are not in Minnesota." Y/N stood beside him, so only Bobby could hear her as Lucy watched them concerned.

"May! May, can you hear me?" Bobby moved forward taking Y/N's hand in his.

"May!" Y/N helped Bobby break through the wall.

"Let's get her some O2." Bobby passed Claudette to Lucy and the other guy as they broke the wall down.

"Are you okay?" Y/N looked at May who hugged her tightly.

"Better now." May nodded as they climbed out through the broken wall.

"May. Keep your head low." Y/N put her helmet on May's head for better protection.

"Fi come on!" Bobby looked at the roof as it started to become inflamed.

May screamed as everything behind them gave way to the fire, coming down on top of the three of them.

* Outside *

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