S3: E10 Christmas Spirit

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16 Weeks Pregnant

"Sir, this burning is gonna go away. It's just gonna take a couple hours." Bobby looked at Santa.

"Long before you need to be back in the North Pole." Buck smiled.

"Is Santa Claus gonna die?" A kid frowned worriedly.

"Oh, hey. No, no, no. Of course not, and don't you worry. He's not really Santa." Buck crouched infront of the kids.

"Buck!" Y/N looked at him shocked.

"He's not real?" A little girl looked at Buck sadly.

"No, sweetie. He's just pretend." Buck ignored Y/N without realising.

"Santa's pretend?" The little boy started crying.

"That's right." Buck smiled as he gave a nod.

"Buck, Buck, Buck." Bobby shook his head with a frown confusing Buck.

"Did you just tell my kid Santa isn't real?" A woman walked over looking at Buck.

"Uh, no, no. I was..I was just explaining that this Santa isn't Santa." Buck tried to brush it off.

"Hey, Cody, what's the matter?" A man walked over to the little boy.

"Santa Claus isn't real." Cody cried into his Dad.

* Eddie's Place *

"It got ugly. After I said we had to work on Christmas, he went straight to his room and wouldn't speak to either of us for the rest of the night." Eddie took a drink from his mug.

"It's just new. He'll get over it. Especially with the baby on the way." Hen smiled at the two.

"Abuela's brining him to my aunt's. I know he's gonna have a great time. He just..last Christmas was..special. This ones harder." Eddie squeezed Y/N's hand and she gave a small smile.

"Is that why you invited us all here? Trying to cram in as much Christmas cheer between now and then." Hen nodded along.

"Well, thought it'd be nice to bring the boys together for a playdate." Eddie looked at the kids.

"All three of em. Almost four." Hen smiled at Y/N.

"Yeah." Y/N looked at hers and Eddie's hand.

"I know you don't like Christmas.." Hen watched Y/N.

"I don't not like Christmas, Christmas is great. Just used to be something I celebrated hugely with my friends as kids." Y/N smiled at Hen.

"So, what exactly is your bad therapy experience?" Hen frowned concerned.

"I went after the fire. And after the accident. To bring my Dad peace of mind, but nobody understood what it was like. They wanted me to talk about my feelings, but I didn't even know what I was feeling. I was worried about my Dad, scared of what could happen and questioning God." Y/N watched Hen.

"Why not try it again?" Eddie looked at her.

"I got through it then, by myself without therapy. I can get through anything I'm going through now without therapy." Y/N shrugged it off.

"All right, who needs more cement?" Buck smiled at Denny and Christopher.

"I do." "Me." The two boys smiled at Buck.

"Denny, we will do you first with this big ol piece." Buck grinned.

"Hey Buck." Christopher watched him.

"Yeah." Buck nodded.

"Can I spend Christmas with you?" Christopher looked at Buck who looked at Eddie.

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