S3: E5 Rage

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"Apart from a blowout bar this is the dumbest thing people in LA pay money for." Hen followed behind Bobby.

"I think it's genius." Chimney smiled looking around.

"Your victims in there." Athena looked at them.

"Where?" Bobby frowned confused.

"There. Your victim climbed into the barrel after her BFF started chasing her with a sledgehammer." Athena nodded to the barrel.

"I thought the point was to smash things, not each other." Eddie glanced at Athena.

"Wife. Mistress." Athena looked between the women.

"Adulterous sl*t!" The wife was stopped from moving by the officers.

"Does the adulterous sl*t have a name?" Chimney glanced at Athena.

"Denise. She can't hear you very well in there. Ears ringing." Athena gave a small shrug.

"Denise, are you hurt?" Bobby walked over to the barrel.

"What?" Denise couldn't hear what he said.

"Ah, looks like she's sledgehammered in there pretty good, Cap." Eddie crouched to get a better look.

"So, Fi, did you hear from your best friend?" Athena looked at Y/N.

"Please, don't. I'm trying to not get in the middle." Y/N frowned at Athena.

"Look, I get he wants his job back, I respect that, I do. But this is a little extreme." Athena watched Y/N.

"Extreme? Dad lied to him, and he didn't even tell me. But you knew that, right? Buck had a right to know, when Dad did it. Not weeks later." Y/N watched Athena as they got Denise out.

"So much anger in the world these days. I can see why this place is all the rage. See what I did there?" Chimney smiled at Hen.

"Oh, I seen it." Hen scoffed as she followed Chimney and Y/N.

* Y/N's Apartment *

"So, Bucks really going ahead with this." Maddie looked at Y/N as she got ready.

"I can't say I blame him." Y/N picked up her phone.

"Still no word from Eddie?" Maddie watched her.

"Not since he found out about the lawsuit. He doesn't agree with me that we'd all do the same. He's just mad and confused. It'll be fine." Y/N shrugged it off.

"Are you okay?" Maddie looked at her concerned.

"Just sick of people acting as if Buck and I are the same person. Like I can control everything he does and says. And I'm also tired of people acting like he's the villain in all of this." Y/N looked at Maddie.

"You're the closest person to Buck, I mean, you knew what he was going to do before he said the words. You're inseperable." Maddie smiled softly.

"Well, now, Buck isn't allowed to talk to me, Eddie refuses to talk to me. Athena thinks I can solve it, Dad seems to think I'm going to tell Buck everything he says regarding the issue. Hen and Chimney both are trying to act like everything's fine but they're terrible at hiding their feelings. So, I think I made a great choice trying not to get involved." Y/N looked at Maddie sarcastically.

"Everything will work out fine. Just do what's best for you." Maddie reassured Y/N.

* At The Arbitration *

"This is not a trial and I am not a judge. This arbitration will address Mr Buckley's claim against the Los Angeles Fire Department for wrongful termination." The head of the table looked between Buck and Y/N as Buck avoided her gaze.

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